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Member since: 18 years
Last Logged in: 55 years





Rf061992 travaille ses obsessions et deformations sexuelles dans sa musique. Dans une interview en debut 2010 il avoue traiter ses perversions et pulsations malsaines a travers une therapie musicale, qui lui permet de survivre en dehors de l'internement

Rf061992 is Belgium's mad professor and what comes out of his laboratory is pure darkness. Vanishing noises, ambient scapes straight from hell and mystical rythms are his leitmotif. In his macchiavelic approach to music, he manages to turn any noise into music. Nothing is safe from this field recording soul eater: the peeing 97 year old lady as less as the jackhammer breaking the pavement.

Having his roots in the early 1980s New Wave and Post Punk era, he rapidly made himself a name in the belgian industrial scene (Symphonie Cubique, Reason Flowers, DRY, 3'n'more). In collaborations and jamsessions Rf061992 is a welcome guest far beyond the belgian borders. Just like a warlock, he manages to add a dusty and dark note to any kind of music. One could think of an unbreakable curse...

Since 2005, Rf061992 evolves as Industrial solo artist as well as with different other artists in projects such as Col-Lab (Ambient Drones), Major Hardware (Electro Noir), XP-43 (Experimental), lorsen(^ù^)BpOlar&rf061992 (collective live experimentation) and of course also with belgian Drone guru BpOlar as BPRF.
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