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Forum : Parties : 19/05/05: WUD4 @ decadance, gent

droon [be]
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Post: 24
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jaja, decadance.. lach niet! het betreft hier uiterste avant gardistische concepten! een drum collectief, een combinatie van traditionele instrumenten uit het midden oosten met electronica, maar ook veel lawaai en snelle beats en breaks.. voor op te dansen..weet je nog? dansen?
Industrial / midi-eastern psychadelia / fucked up breaks / loud ambient / power trip-hop / audio-video alteration / cine-mayhem .....
with a nice splash of noise!!



+WOOD CREW delegation. gigglin dildas, droon, sickboy, tim terror.

belgian date will be on 19th of may in Ghent @ Decadance
Overpoortstraat 76
9000 Gent

entree: 3 euro

For more infos, mp3..etc...


Hecticcc [be]
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Post: 209
Last track: Told Ya
Yeeeha!! Missed the 1st one @ Deca, will be attending this time :dance:
isnieZot [be]
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Post: 72
Last track: rado
look at the date.
this got bumped because I (accidentally) deleted a post that I did a year ago.
really weird though :s
agathokless [be]
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Post: 1073
Last track: scene_02
decadence?? 8o
jah, that's hard core brother
really hard core
dunno 'bout you man, but i remember the first Kozzmozz-parties @ the boat, with 'bout 40 to 50 ppl having the time of their lives on them wooden plasticman-beats
look @ Kotzmozz right now ... 80 fuckin' €uro's just to get in the place, 2€'s a beer, but hey, not too much beer, cause you're paying 50 cents to take a piss. And i'm not even talking 'bout the dope you're goin' to have to shuv' in your nose or in your throat just to forget how mutch you've been ripped-off that evening

you're heading that same alley man

ghent's break-core scene is falling appart because of ppl like you
selling their fat ass concepts to them $$$-institutions

vooruit was understandable ... it offers a chance to smaller and more experimental stuff, like (K-RAA-K)² for instance, to perform, and thus make the bridge between "main-stream" and "underground" a little less hard to cross.

decadance however is just in it for the cash.
nothin' more,
nothin' less
that's called a sell-out man

you remember who made you what you are right now?
you remember where you gave one of your first parties?
you remember the crowd cummin' to those parties getting bigger and bigger from that moment on?
you don't, do you?

i really truelly am feeling sorry for people like you
Hecticcc [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 209
Last track: Told Ya
haha fake alert :D :D

shouldhave looked at the date more carefully.
Thought it was weird, i know some woodies & didn't hear a party was coming up @ deca. Now i know why :D :D :D
Hecticcc [be]
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Post: 209
Last track: Told Ya
Originally posted by : agAthoKless

decadence?? 8o
jah, that's hard core brother
really hard core
dunno 'bout you man, but i remember the first Kozzmozz-parties @ the boat, with 'bout 40 to 50 ppl having the time of their lives on them wooden plasticman-beats
look @ Kotzmozz right now ... 80 fuckin' €uro's just to get in the place, 2€'s a beer, but hey, not too much beer, cause you're paying 50 cents to take a piss. And i'm not even talking 'bout the dope you're goin' to have to shuv' in your nose or in your throat just to forget how mutch you've been ripped-off that evening

you're heading that same alley man

ghent's break-core scene is falling appart because of ppl like you
selling their fat ass concepts to them $$$-institutions

vooruit was understandable ... it offers a chance to smaller and more experimental stuff, like (K-RAA-K)² for instance, to perform, and thus make the bridge between "main-stream" and "underground" a little less hard to cross.

decadance however is just in it for the cash.
nothin' more,
nothin' less
that's called a sell-out man

you remember who made you what you are right now?
you remember where you gave one of your first parties?
you remember the crowd cummin' to those parties getting bigger and bigger from that moment on?
you don't, do you?

i really truelly am feeling sorry for people like you

This is the same crap people went on about when WOOD did the party @ Vooruit. Face the facts man, breakcore in Gent draws lots of people, especially Wood. Keeping up the party's in squats was not an option for them, because the organisers can't risk the fines they would have to pay if they continued like that. It was a miracle they were able to keep it going in squats for that long & that big in the 1st place.


oh, and breakcore is going down because of ppl like me?
If i recall correctly we have had many breakcore acts on the Breaxity show i do on Urgent.fm every week (and on Duplox Terror Show before that), in order to promote parties & crews from gent/belgium

A small list of guests we already had:

Almost all of the woodcrew (all except the Giggling Dildas)
Bye le Banal crew(Matar & Meta Warfare) a few times.
Fractional (wasn't there live thou)
Syncope (yes he does more than acid ;-) )
So i'm killing it because i give breakcore airplay & introduce it to people who might not know it?

I think your vieuw on this is very narrow-minded.
Oh, and the scene in Gent is very much alive & kicking. Prove me wrong.
cestqui [be]
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Post: 328
Last track: awake
dude,ya can say what ya want,to concince us,but.....;however..i know how decadance works, i was dj there,with residentslike moody,itai,jens,.....

for people who dont know them;i put it simple,since decadance made some interieur changes(bar on the other side);they've been acting out of money;commercial;

they treat people like dirt,i know how bart the boss thinks,say hello from cestqui :D

i ont know about breakcore,but i know they will make money on your backs;and if ya wont get enough people,so they wont sell lots of drinks,then ya gone know how they are;

keep in mind,they wont stay nice,and they wont remember what you did for them

have a nice party,and put on the fly,that its gone be in the visaroom,lol

Hecticcc [be]
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Post: 209
Last track: Told Ya
I didn't deny Decadance is in it for the money. Havent they always been? You don't open a club @ overpoort "for fun".
We also did some parties there with Breaxity (breakz) & had the same experience you had. Indeed, they dont give a shit who you are or what music you play; as long as you get the place filled up and they dont have to pay you alot they're happy. If not they "throw you out".

Decadance has always & will always be a moneymachine for the owners. It would be very nice indeed if they would actually support local crews n dj's instead of just plain using them to earn alot of money, but something tells me this won't be happening :P
cestqui [be]
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Post: 328
Last track: awake
diden't ya listen to agAthoKless....

the good old dayz,its was totaly diffrent,people were dressed up extravaganza,entree was 2 euro's,cheap drinks....

it just got bad,when they opened at weekends,ya know...in the beginning i knew they asked more for the same drink at the weekend,

now you are payin this prices week in week out;it became shitty cause people were envolved
that dont respect the scene;

and they forgot who brought them big,or where they come from;
rantferox [be]
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Post: 1
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its like groundhog day with different people

go eric gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
agathokless [be]
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Post: 1073
Last track: scene_02
Originally posted by : rantferox

its like groundhog day with different people

go eric gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


agathokless [be]
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Post: 1073
Last track: scene_02
Originally posted by : Hecticcc
oh, and breakcore is going down because of ppl like me?

i guess you think the 0-meridian is crossing your arse or somethin' man ... i wasn't talking to you at all, i was talking to the guy who posted this topic

Originally posted by : Hecticcc
I think your vieuw on this is very narrow-minded.
Oh, and the scene in Gent is very much alive & kicking. Prove me wrong.

my view on this is as narrow as my wallet man
and yup, you're completely right 'bout that,
it's as narrow and tight as a nun's ass

ow and one more thing, ... the time ghent had a "breakcore-scene" is long gone man ... only thing ghent's got at the moment is a break-core-hype ... and there's a big diffrence there.

If i don't play myself, i rarely go out no more, and that's just because of the fact that i don't want to feel retired @ the end of the evening, as the vast majority of what you call the ghent-breakcore-scene, is between let's say ... 15 and what ... 18? Witch makes us conclude that it's practically impossible to screw your date-of-the-evening, as ppl DO tend to notice that 10 yrs younger girl next to your driver-seat
rantferox [be]
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Post: 1
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Originally posted by : agathokless

ow and one more thing, ... the time ghent had a "breakcore-scene" is long gone man ... only thing ghent's got at the moment is a break-core-hype ... and there's a big diffrence there.

If i don't play myself, i rarely go out no more, and that's just because of the fact that i don't want to feel retired @ the end of the evening, as the vast majority of what you call the ghent-breakcore-scene, is between let's say ... 15 and what ... 18? Witch makes us conclude that it's practically impossible to screw your date-of-the-evening, as ppl DO tend to notice that 10 yrs younger girl next to your driver-seat


IntergalactikPu [be]
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Post: 16
Last track: Chapter X
Originally posted by : agathokless

decadence?? 8o
jah, that's hard core brother
really hard core

Decadance = hardcore? :O
Don't abuse ower scene with calling deca = hardcore! thx
agathokless [be]
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Post: 1073
Last track: scene_02
Originally posted by : IntergalactikPu
Decadance = hardcore? :O
Don't abuse ower scene with calling deca = hardcore! thx

:! -sic-

read before replying
or don't reply
IntergalactikPu [be]
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Post: 16
Last track: Chapter X
Do not understand, i'm don't speak so well english! ;)
But decad"e"nce isn't decad"a"nce?
droon [be]
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Post: 24
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and people need to stop acting anal about locations.
and stop trying to badmouth other people or crews when they don't know shit!

deca was cool, they let us play and use their system and asked us nothing in return, they only took the bar, which is cool, all entrance fees were give to the artists so everything went great, the show was great, there were only 50 people there or so, but it was a cool gig. in fact one the most "underground" one we've doen, in terms of music...

we did it in the deca because:

it was a practical short term solution.

-FREE room
-FREE sound
-we didn't have to care about the bar.
-it was funny and it was a fuck you to all those people in the scene that need to lighten up, it's only partymusic, geesh. really.

there was also a hiphop party going on in a third room and it was really funny to see those people wander into our room, and also funny to wander into theirs, all in all, i had alot of fun.


it was LAST YEAR!
isnieZot [be]
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Post: 72
Last track: rado
I was there that night OVER A YEAR AGO :D
twas allright. some freaky visuals. I still remember the chickens. 8o

seriously the "breakcore scene" (what an awfull word) needs to lighten up a bit. it seems that it's more about the squarts/attitude then it is about the music. I went to the parties in alcahel a few times and I'm fucking glad they where able to move to the vooruit. finally a decent soundsystem. more focus on the music and dropping the "I'm so hardcore" act.

I hate to say this but the scene (here's that awful word again) is becoming a caricature of itself. imo the wood/wud crew deserves some respect for the way they handled the things. they where getting big and changes HAD to be made. they could've done it the bad way and keep filling their pockets or they could find the right balance between money and music.

that's what I have to say about it.
(I'm in no way affiliated with wood,this is how I experienced the things)
Leftchest [be]
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Post: 109
Last track: ZEITGEIST
Whoa great flyer once again
Might drop by
rantferox [be]
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Post: 1
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Originally posted by : Leftchest

Whoa great flyer once again
Might drop by