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HyeVolture - hot jeopardy


another electrosong, nothing special to note about this one. played/practiced a bit with korg ms-20 (for the bass) and stuff, was a good one to practice mastering too. preview was played on plantenavond, which I enjoyed very much. the song's theme is sex, lust etcetera. end contains donald duckstep (the bass sounds a bit like donald duck's voice).





CruizeOfFiction [be] - 15 years ago


omihoshbin [be] - 15 years ago

progressieve dubstep!

particle [be] - 15 years ago

hehe pretty cool, good sounds, and indeed, the bass makes me think of donald too, strange :d
must say that i missed some of the typical hyevolture-uber-melodicness

Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

haha nu hoorkt ook;
very cool party track man, technically pretty tight too i think

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

merci voor comments. at particle: ja inderdaad, twas ne keer nen iets strakkeren, was goe voor mastering te oefenen. andere songs met meer melodie en gevoel volgen.

HyeVolture [be] - 15 years ago

-- Comment deleted by HyeVolture--

Rag [be] - 15 years ago

jeah nice :) cool sounds
and i like the personal though of it

Skip [be] - 15 years ago

verry HyeVolturesque niewaar, was just thinking that I mustev heard that high little melody somewhere;plantenavond dus,wicked.
(Third quarter seems quiet long to me)
Ola, wobbles zegt'ie.^^
Good practice/workout
cheers duud.