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MnemOnic - speyside winter habit


This is the latest track I made.

Am trying to put it together with the previous tracks I posted into one project again.

made a demo of it @ my soundcloud account.

Suggestions and comments are more then welcome on this one.





Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

nice clean sound, not so fond of the mood in the beginning, once the beat falls in it has a really special way of hypnotising you and the melo seems to fall in place...in the end, great track, the orchestral swing round 3:00 + the bass really do it...fine one bro,really great story, one of ur best so far, keep up, only comment would be to shorten the ntro or sommethin

MnemOnic [be] - 13 years ago

much appreciated .. Still a crappy track doh :)