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Member since: 16 years
Last Logged in: one year


Profession: architect
City: close to antwerp, belgium
Age: 52 years
I Compose: surfing on waveforms
with: before nov 2009: just your basic desktop computer, roland jd-800, now: apple
before nov 2009: noisetrekker 2final (programmed by Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius aka Arguru RIP, version march 2000), now: ableton live
I Mix: techno, 80's pop, mashups
with: ableton live 8


Total Posts: 105
Last Post: 14 years in if anyone wonders how to add songs from ebel to those flash players for myspace
Total Comments: 207 (0/day)
Last Comment: 13 years in ionizer - echoes from dark corners (rool's twisted mutation)
Listened by User: 3016 (0.5/day)
Last Listened: one year @ surfing on waveforms
Total Songs: 6
Listened: times (/day)