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Forum : Ebel Parties : ebel @ KK ??

dustrickx [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 515
Last track: dusts final loop
how about the ebel nights in kultuur kaffee brussel ?
I read the invitation a few montsh ago for people to play there
where can i find the info now ? don't see it anymore...


S-cape [be]
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Post: 574
Last track: cute.exe
join jemenfish for that.
dustrickx [be]
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Post: 515
Last track: dusts final loop
Jemenfish organises these events, and cut the connection with Electrobel.
If you want to play there, go to <font size="-1"><span class="a">www.jemenfish.be/takingbackmondays/</span></font>
there's some info on how to apply on there. 
Jemenfish [be]
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Post: 1941
Last track:
I am still hosting them and whenever possible I put people like Harry Poppins tomorrow at Kultuurkaffee
www.vub.ac.be/cultuur. But apart from that I keep my promises to people from here there is no direct connection to electrobel anymore on those events, although it's still written on some communication.

The next events are filled until end of the year:

1 October, past, was Legowelt. 29th of October is Studio Brussel live transmission 20h-00h and mik plays with Total science and murdock. 5 November is drum 'n' bass with Klute and people from here like Syndaesia. Last, 3 December is tribal with Monolith and Psy'aviah, distreality, Trimetrick, ...

The next dates I have is first Monday of March and April 2008 for my own events. At least one of those will be Raggajungle/d'n'b. You can apply with the form on the website www.jemenfish.be/takingbackmondays

It's an open stage and I got a lot of demand so I don't know how I'll pick, either follow my nose or...If you want feedback on the sound etc. check with Kornie, or alternatively there are 9 video's in the 01/10 thread in parties. Basically: you get to play on a 10.000W L-accoustics Line-array soundsystem with a full lightshow (when I'm present anyway), so no small pub show but a decent gig.

Starting November 1st you'll also notice some posters popping up throughout Brussels on 1m20 on 1m60 on bus stations etc., we'll be putting more promotion into it.
Distreality [be]
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Post: 1594
Last track: Reality Check
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