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Forum : Suggestions : if anyone wonders how to add songs from ebel to those flash players for myspace

gozno [be]
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Post: 689
Last track: drezden
so those flash players to use instead of the myspace flash player (ex mp3profiles.com) ask the URL of a song you want to play

to add the URL of a song just go in the details of a song u choose...then right click on the SAVE button...copy the link adress and paste it in the flash player...

this is the way i found...maybe there are others

i hope this is ok with zark
liquidbass [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 1288
Last track: lingering souls
omg... why dont you use the ebel player on myspace to play your ebel songs?

check the latest newsletters.

Watch here how it looks like:


heres the code
I used on my nastylicious myspace profile:

width=500 height=250
align="center" quality="high"

replace the 1;3;5 by the song id you want to put in the player playlist

you can find the number in the url of your song ):

if you want to get rid of the myspace player just delete the songs on your profile...

if you want to keep the myspace player, change the settings of the myspace profile... to avoid that the myspace player starts automatically... and both sounds mess up.

dtr [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 942
Last track: (untitled)
Originally posted by : liquidbass

omg... why dont you use the ebel player on myspace to play your ebel songs?

check the latest newsletters.

Watch here how it looks like:


heres the code
I used on my nastylicious myspace profile:

width=500 height=250
align="center" quality="high"

replace the 1;3;5 by the song id you want to put in the player playlist

you can find the number in the url of your song ):

if you want to get rid of the myspace player just delete the songs on your profile...

if you want to keep the myspace player, change the settings of the myspace profile... to avoid that the myspace player starts automatically... and both sounds mess up.

yep! www.myspace.com/dietervandoren

really handy :]
gozno [be]
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Post: 689
Last track: drezden
i dunno that ebel player doesn't look too appetissant for myspace...i preffer the designs at www.mp3profiles.com

i like it when it's dark and the ebel is just too white and blue :)
dtr [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 942
Last track: (untitled)
Originally posted by : gozno

i dunno that ebel player doesn't look too appetissant for myspace...i preffer the designs at www.mp3profiles.com

i like it when it's dark and the ebel is just too white and blue :)
well to me it's easier to not have to upload my trax to a zillion different places and just stream m from ebel ;)
Akwalek [be]
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Post: 987
Last track: Automated Lifeform (mArtnr236)
allright....this is fat.....thx guys, fuck murdoch
ZARk [be]
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Post: 25
Last track:

small code generator :)

need an extra feature ?
dtr [be]
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Post: 942
Last track: (untitled)
Originally posted by : ZARk


small code generator :)

need an extra feature ?
yes, autoplay on/off: this selects whether the player starts automatically or not.

and what's 'limit'?
ZARk [be]
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Post: 25
Last track:
limits the amount of songs
READYdot [be]
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Post: 222
Last track: Idol Semen READYdot Remix
Nice one!

But I couldn't copy the code from the generating page, I had to look through the source code page to copy it...

ZARk [be]
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Post: 25
Last track:
okay i fixed that page a bit :)

can now select to autostart or not :)

and made the code easier to copy by putting it in a field :)
dtr [be]
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Post: 942
Last track: (untitled)
cool 8)
HarryPoppins [be]
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Post: 1461
Last track: ~ Smopkalitei ~
how do you remove the myspace player? i copied the link on my page (have it on the left now.. but how do i remove the other one? or do i have to replace it?)
tried looking for the answer on the forum but didnt find it..
ZARk [be]
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Post: 25
Last track:
simple delete all yours songs from myspace.

then it removes the player :)
HarryPoppins [be]
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Post: 1461
Last track: ~ Smopkalitei ~
aha, thats kinda logic.. thanks!
where would we be without you.. :p
FabioPersonale [be]
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Post: 292
Last track: It's complicated
Zarak said "replace the 1;3;5 by the song id you want to put in the player playlist

you can find the number in the url of your song"

So if this is an example of an url on ebel "http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/8613/Black_albino_Japan_searching_sexy_girls_" Should i assume that the number is 8613 and so on for the other tracks?
If this is right then i have to copie it and paste into my myspace account in the box off "about FabioPersonale"?
FabioPersonale [be]
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Post: 292
Last track: It's complicated
Found it Works well Thanks again to the Ebel GOD "Zark" :P
aphone [be]
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Post: 1993
Last track: Evening tea riddim

( fuckn silly humour :p )
quioui [be]
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Post: 308
Last track:
hi there,

i was wondering, is it poss in any way to block the download option? i dont mind here on ebel to let peeps dwnld, but i'm a bit freaking out on myspace:)à
liquidbass [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 1288
Last track: lingering souls
theres no download button on the player ;)