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Forum : Suggestions : song description and titles
hahah thanks man i appreciate...
what some people should understand is that they cant have all for free, by free i mean no money but no efforts too.
if you need a site with producers, able to give you sometimes correct feedbacks, to make some new contacts in the electronic music world etc enz... there are not so many.
Here on ebel we are doin it with our souls our hearts, and people should sometimes be thankfull and understand that its REALLY a small effort to put 50 letters to describe your songs, becaus eif you do that and if you conisder the other users as kind of friends or teachers, you ll learn a lot in here.
Personally i ve learned to make music on ebel, learned how to make new contacts i even had some REAL friends because of ebel... man, i want to give back to ebel what ebel gave me, thats what i do. Thats what every moderator does.I spend all my radio air play to promote ebel adn YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND...
If we ask this description its not to play the police, its for a good reason in our opinions... and its really nothin to do it, cause there are 1000 advantages and maybe 2 or 3 disadvantages.... win 2 win...
really i dont understand why the reaction is so hard with us, more than that, why so few people say 'fuck this description things, but ill do it because i give you some respect and maybe i could be wrong'
anyway, me really tired with ebel things, really. i feel like CQI a few years ago for the dinosaurs in here they ll remember
@ lebelgeelectrod.
mec, serieusement, viens pas peter plus haut que ton cul. Je tai rencontré et t'es un chouette gars. Mtnt tu utilise ebel depuis combine de mois/ années... considere ce que la communauté t'as apporté et considere ce qu'elle te demande aujourdhui... tu crois pas que tupeux faire un petit effort et foutre une description... ya des mecs ici qui bossent sur cette communauté depuis des années, pour que TOI et MOI et EUX TOUS petits producteurs, pr que nous ayons un site pr nous faire entendre, aider etc et tout ce que tu remarque c'est ton petit trou du cul qui a envie de faire caca, reflechis stp, essaye de considerer que tes exigences ne corresponde pas au cadre dans lequel tu evoles.
Mtnt j ai peur que tu réagisse genre moi jmen tappe j ai pas besoind ebel etc etc... he bien j espere que je me trompe deja, et si ce nes pas le cas, rappelle toi avec GWN qui vous conaissiez au debut, avant ebel, rappelle toi quels etait vos contacts, et votre 'niveau'
je dis pas que vous faites du son grace a ebel, au contraire vous etes ts les trois talentueux, je dis juste que des mecs on bossé pdt longtemps et dur pour que des gars comme vous arrivent jusque ds la communauté et vous aide d une maniere oud une autre, et quand on TE demande 50CARACTERES DS UNE DESCRIPTION tu viens direct avec tes gds cheveaux... RESTE HUMBLE DIDJUUUUUUUU
i would like to be harrypoppins and stay cool lol
what some people should understand is that they cant have all for free, by free i mean no money but no efforts too.
if you need a site with producers, able to give you sometimes correct feedbacks, to make some new contacts in the electronic music world etc enz... there are not so many.
Here on ebel we are doin it with our souls our hearts, and people should sometimes be thankfull and understand that its REALLY a small effort to put 50 letters to describe your songs, becaus eif you do that and if you conisder the other users as kind of friends or teachers, you ll learn a lot in here.
Personally i ve learned to make music on ebel, learned how to make new contacts i even had some REAL friends because of ebel... man, i want to give back to ebel what ebel gave me, thats what i do. Thats what every moderator does.I spend all my radio air play to promote ebel adn YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND...
If we ask this description its not to play the police, its for a good reason in our opinions... and its really nothin to do it, cause there are 1000 advantages and maybe 2 or 3 disadvantages.... win 2 win...
really i dont understand why the reaction is so hard with us, more than that, why so few people say 'fuck this description things, but ill do it because i give you some respect and maybe i could be wrong'
anyway, me really tired with ebel things, really. i feel like CQI a few years ago for the dinosaurs in here they ll remember
@ lebelgeelectrod.
mec, serieusement, viens pas peter plus haut que ton cul. Je tai rencontré et t'es un chouette gars. Mtnt tu utilise ebel depuis combine de mois/ années... considere ce que la communauté t'as apporté et considere ce qu'elle te demande aujourdhui... tu crois pas que tupeux faire un petit effort et foutre une description... ya des mecs ici qui bossent sur cette communauté depuis des années, pour que TOI et MOI et EUX TOUS petits producteurs, pr que nous ayons un site pr nous faire entendre, aider etc et tout ce que tu remarque c'est ton petit trou du cul qui a envie de faire caca, reflechis stp, essaye de considerer que tes exigences ne corresponde pas au cadre dans lequel tu evoles.
Mtnt j ai peur que tu réagisse genre moi jmen tappe j ai pas besoind ebel etc etc... he bien j espere que je me trompe deja, et si ce nes pas le cas, rappelle toi avec GWN qui vous conaissiez au debut, avant ebel, rappelle toi quels etait vos contacts, et votre 'niveau'
je dis pas que vous faites du son grace a ebel, au contraire vous etes ts les trois talentueux, je dis juste que des mecs on bossé pdt longtemps et dur pour que des gars comme vous arrivent jusque ds la communauté et vous aide d une maniere oud une autre, et quand on TE demande 50CARACTERES DS UNE DESCRIPTION tu viens direct avec tes gds cheveaux... RESTE HUMBLE DIDJUUUUUUUU
i would like to be harrypoppins and stay cool lol
16 years ago
J'ai donné mon avis si toi tu veux y voir de la mauvaise foi ou un manque d'humilité c'est toi qui vois. Evidemment je dois des choses a Electrobel, mais si je dois fermer ma gueule et me contenter de dire amen ben je vois pas trop en quoi c'est une communauté ou alors j'en fait pas partie.
donc je redis ce que j'ai dit plus haut, j'aurais préferé qu'on crée des systèmes qui améliores la visibilité du site (comme c'est surment en train de se faire dans la v3) avant de créer une règles qui risque d'en entraîner d'autres pour rien . et puis surtout parce que y'a moyen de faire ça autrement, si y'a pas de longue description c'est parce qu'on trouve pas d'interêt à faire de longue description. Avec cette règle l'interêt c'est de pouvoir poster son morceau et rien d'autre bref c'est frustrant pour rien.
Maintenant c'est jamais qu'une connerie, je crois pas que ça vaille la peine de se prendre la tête plus que ça Aphone.
donc je redis ce que j'ai dit plus haut, j'aurais préferé qu'on crée des systèmes qui améliores la visibilité du site (comme c'est surment en train de se faire dans la v3) avant de créer une règles qui risque d'en entraîner d'autres pour rien . et puis surtout parce que y'a moyen de faire ça autrement, si y'a pas de longue description c'est parce qu'on trouve pas d'interêt à faire de longue description. Avec cette règle l'interêt c'est de pouvoir poster son morceau et rien d'autre bref c'est frustrant pour rien.
Maintenant c'est jamais qu'une connerie, je crois pas que ça vaille la peine de se prendre la tête plus que ça Aphone.
16 years ago
sorry for the french reply guys
si justement ca vaut la peine, ce que j voudrais te faire comprendre c'est que certaines personnes investissent bcp de leur temps et energie dans cette commaunauté, c'est pourca que ta manière d exprimer ton desaccord est blessante, meme si eveidement je suis content que tu t exprime la dessus, putain on a encore le droit de dire ce qu on pense, mais dans le cadre d'electrobel il faut peut etre faire attention a la forme, sachant l investissemnt personnel des moderateurs... et ne t inquiete pas cette 'petite' règle n annonce pas d autres conneries du genre...
allé sur ce que la musique soit avec toi !
si justement ca vaut la peine, ce que j voudrais te faire comprendre c'est que certaines personnes investissent bcp de leur temps et energie dans cette commaunauté, c'est pourca que ta manière d exprimer ton desaccord est blessante, meme si eveidement je suis content que tu t exprime la dessus, putain on a encore le droit de dire ce qu on pense, mais dans le cadre d'electrobel il faut peut etre faire attention a la forme, sachant l investissemnt personnel des moderateurs... et ne t inquiete pas cette 'petite' règle n annonce pas d autres conneries du genre...
allé sur ce que la musique soit avec toi !
16 years ago
anyway... v3 will bring loooooooooots of change!
16 years ago
Originally posted by : liquidbass
anyway... v3 will bring loooooooooots of change!
hahahha! best reply i read so far!
well... i understand the frustration, and i understand the rule.. so i dont know what to say
except for the cheese-part
but hey, it's ok, we're all nice people, and ebel is a nice site
so be cool and do an effort, even if you dont want to explain yr music, just write down something about yr life.. haha
16 years ago
Originally posted by : HarryPoppins
just write down something about yr life.. haha
"hey there. If there are any blonde tall horny producerettes with big boobs out there who'd like to make a hot track together mail me at"
16 years ago
Originally posted by : firefrog
tjee, lot's of blabla again for something so simple.
just give a decent song description, or fock off
voila, short & clear
Yes i think i'll do, just fuck myself the most productive way !
On the other hand, my problem is not about the minimum length of comment, but by the way that there's some poeple here who say -don't hit me it's an interpretation- "hey i passed lot of our doing thing for the community so i have the right to judge if what you say about your song is correct/enough/respect the spirit/ or no.
For me a song is more than just some kilobytes of music, if i made a disk the picture i'll use on the box, on the cd, the text i publish with it and all that funking stuff is a part of the production.
If i want to say about my sont "LQDkjglskdjgdklsgxc;,vnwksdjghlkdhgj" it may be because it's what the song meant for me, and i don't agree that someone came and say "No that's not right, you can't say that about your song, because doing this you don't respect the comunity".
We talk about art, and art is a matter of aesthetic, even if you don't share my aestitics vue, you shouldn't tell me to change it.
On the third hand, someone talk about the host and the guest, that's the worst idea about community i ever read... so if you realy see ebel like this, it will be without me and 'bon débara'.
-- at the last i understant what you mean about ebel is a community not a mp3 hosting website, but i think that this a wrong way to improve the community fellings of the users...
And to finishing talking about this, i do support the community, i've buyed t-shirt, talk about poeple about the website and how great it was, etc. Even i never personally thanks the modos for their free work, if you came to liege, i'll be happy to pay you a beer.
16 years ago
Consider this : if everyone was to put their songs online with no description, you wouldn't get to know who's behind the music. And that's precisely what a community is all about IMO : we're not just users, we're people with different tastes and stuff, and we "need" to know each other a bit in order to be a community. Otherwise, as said before, it's just a mp3 hosting website. Giving a minimal description is a good way i think to know the person, 'cuz you can't simply rely on the music to know someone as everybody will perceive it differently.Quote:
Originally posted by : DaTuX
-- at the last i understant what you mean about ebel is a community not a mp3 hosting website, but i think that this a wrong way to improve the community fellings of the users...Quote:
16 years ago
yeah but anyway, if it wasnt needed to put a minimal description, some ppl would put as big descriptions as they put now, and some ppl would just leave it near to emptiness, because the personnality of some ppl (like me) isnt to talk a lot about what they do, they just do it and put a few 2-3 words, because its the way they do, because they dont feel like giving alot of text out their brain, because they never do that
anyway im not against talking about music, but im not always in the need to put a "enough" big description, i dont feel like it, thats the way i do, thats colored of my personnality already, and these 2-3words i put may be enough to color of my personnal touch, to say what i wanted about them; i agree with datux
im the same in society, i dont talk a lot about things, i just talk the strict minimum, when i feel like i need; here they whant me to change to fit the website, so im not feeling good about this
anyway im not against talking about music, but im not always in the need to put a "enough" big description, i dont feel like it, thats the way i do, thats colored of my personnality already, and these 2-3words i put may be enough to color of my personnal touch, to say what i wanted about them; i agree with datux
im the same in society, i dont talk a lot about things, i just talk the strict minimum, when i feel like i need; here they whant me to change to fit the website, so im not feeling good about this
16 years ago
Originally posted by : randomuser
yeah but anyway, if it wasnt needed to put a minimal description, some ppl would put as big descriptions as they put now, and some ppl would just leave it near to emptiness, because the personnality of some ppl (like me) isnt to talk a lot about what they do, they just do it and put a few 2-3 words, because its the way they do, because they dont feel like giving alot of text out their brain, because they never do that
remarkable how many chitchat comes from the users that aren't willing to put decent song descriptions ....
16 years ago
yeah, maybe coz thats different?
im talking (realy not well, im always lost in concepts and words) a lot about why im not for something, try to make some arguments
but for music its different, i dont feel like talking a lot about it, just listen thats all, i try to never fall into using "normal" or "etablished" structure, i cant talk a lot about it, words are missing; but sounds are there, i dont fucking know what to say
if someone wants me to say something that doesnt fits with my vision of my songs... its ok but its stupid
im talking (realy not well, im always lost in concepts and words) a lot about why im not for something, try to make some arguments
but for music its different, i dont feel like talking a lot about it, just listen thats all, i try to never fall into using "normal" or "etablished" structure, i cant talk a lot about it, words are missing; but sounds are there, i dont fucking know what to say
if someone wants me to say something that doesnt fits with my vision of my songs... its ok but its stupid
16 years ago
@ jemenfish... quit repeating yourself... and stop bullshitting zark. Stay on topic.
16 years ago
Its hard to believe, but considering the last few pages one might think MODs and ADMINs (dont forget the last ones) are really evil nasty dictators oppressing poor and innocent open minded artists...
Yes it seems these are real bad people... they forbid people to host copyrighted stuff, they ask them to fill out a profile and add a picture, they require song descriptions and worst of all they constrain people to deal respectfully with each other.
DAMN.... electrobel is a true 4-rule-dictatorship!!!
Fear and loathing on electrobel...
16 years ago
Well, hope some people got to read my totally on-topic comments before you went berserk on the edit buttons :) Of course, criticism is the devil aye
Just hope aphone will finally have seen the light and get the crap out...
Just hope aphone will finally have seen the light and get the crap out...
16 years ago
Originally posted by : Jemenfish
Just hope aphone will finally have seen the light and get the crap out...
You're like a cancer man... If you don't like it here: plz do go and never come back. Oh wait: you already did it xx times in the past but for some strange reason you keep on showing up here and whine about everything. It's such a pity. You used to be such a constructive user here (again: the dinosaurs remember) and now several years later the only thing you do is yapping in a very lame unconstructive way. What's your agenda? Obviously creating conflict and advising moderators to "get the crap out". Such a shame dude. Grow up.
16 years ago
pffff you know what ? Me too i like cheese...
16 years ago
Check out Tap BPM to measure the tempo of any song with just a few taps. A must-have tool for DJs and musicians!
one month ago