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Forum : E-Bel News : TRIP-HOP #01 - RELEASED

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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well... Ladies and Gentlemen...

As a member of the Electrobel Community, I'm very proud to announce you the official launch of Electrobel Netlabel with the Release of the TRIP-HOP #01 Compilation

Enjoy the new electrobel space here:


and download 15 quality songs by independent ELECTROBEL artists
from Belgium, France and the United Kingdom for free!

Please spread the word about this independent artist's compilation and help building the fundamentals for further releases!!!!

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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fell free to use this text to spread the word on forums/communities/blogs/e-mail...
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Voici un code pour mysapce:

<Style type="text/css"> body{ background-color:F5FAFF; } Table, Td{ background-color:transparent; } body, div, p, strong, td, .text, .blacktext10, .blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall:link, a.searchlinkSmall:visited{ color:6D94C5; font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; } a, a:link, a:visited, a.navbar, a.navbar:link, a.navbar:visited, a.man, a.man:link, a.man:visited, a.redlink, a.redlink:visited{ color:5D94C0; font-size:10pt; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:underline ; font-style:normal; } a:hover, a:active, a.navbar:hover, a.navbar:active, a.man:hover, a.man:active, a.searchlinkSmall:hover, a.searchlinkSmall:active, a.redlink:hover, a.redlink:hover{ color:999999; font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; } </Style>
well... Ladies and Gentlemen...

As a member of the electrobel community, I'm very proud to announce
the official launch of <b>Electrobel Netlabel</b>
with the
<b>Release of the TRIP-HOP ..01 Compilation</B>

Enjoy the new electrobel space here:

<a href="http://label.electrobel.info">http://label.electrobel.info</a>

and <b>download</b> 15 quality songs
by independent ELECTROBEL artists
from Belgium, France and the United Kingdom <b>for free</b>!

Please spread the word about this independent artist's compilation
and help building the fundamentals for further releases!!!!

<a href="http://www.electrobel.be">www.electrobel.be</a>
<a href="http://www.electrobel.fr">www.electrobel.fr</a>
<a href="http://www.electrobel.co.uk">www.electrobel.co.uk</a>

<A href="http://www.electrobel.be" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~s0174339/ebel/ebel-banner-4.gif"></A>
Doorchaser [be]
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Post: 379
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cool!! am doing that stat as I come home, gonna put it on EM411 international electronic music community!!
DrGonzo [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 689
Last track: drezden
Originally posted by : Doorchaser

cool!! am doing that stat as I come home, gonna put it on EM411 international electronic music community!!
yeah that's a good idea coz i think the myspace is full with this :)
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Degiheugi is THE man!!!

for myspace users:

<img src="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aquilon-lp/packshot-trip-hop-01.jpg"></img>
kidgoz [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 2
Last track: Alléle 334

great cover for a great compilation of a great site!

thanx and big up to liquidbass,Degiheugi and zark!

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Trip-Hop #01 featured on Swiss Trip-Hop desk:

on startpage:


and in the news:

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Electrobel: Neues Netlabel..!

Mit dem Release seiner ersten Trip-Hop Compilation begeht das Electrobel Kollektiv seine ersten Schritte in Richtung Netlabel. Diese erste Zusammenstellung enthält 15 Trip-Hop-Tracks verschiedener internationaler Musiker, die gratis heruntergeladen werden können. Die Veröffentlichung ist Creative-Commons-lizenziert, was bedeutet, dass die Songs heruntergeladen, kopiert und weiterverbreitet werden können, solange sie nicht kommerziell genutzt und ihre Urheber bezeichnet werden.

Weitere Releases sind in Vorbereitung. Das Electrobel Kollektiv wurde schon 2003 in Belgien gegründet und bietet mittlerweile fast 7000 Songs zum freien Download an.



Electrobel: New Netlabel

With the release of its first Trip-Hop Compilation the Electrobel Collective commits its first steps towards Netlabeling. This first compilation contains 15 Trip-Hop songs, by different international musicians, which can be downloaded free of charge. The publication is Creative Commons licensed, which means that the songs can be downloaded, copied and spread further, as long as they are not commercially used and its authors are designated.
Further releases are in preparation. The Electrobel collective was created in 2003 in Belgium and offers meanwhile close to 7000 Songs for free download.


bandarlog [be]
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Post: 1102
Last track: Sofa so good
This compilation rocks! Will be burnt (like in 5 mins :))) and will be played often in my livingroom on lazy sundays for sure!
This compilation oozes quality.

I am extremely happy that I just bought myself that new tascam cddeck, so I don't have to wait on the vinyl version to get these songs in a mix.

Initiatives like this will greatly increase the popularity of our community.

Keep it up
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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I just added Electrobel to the Wiki Netlabel Catalogue:


and search for "electrobel"

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Degiheugi et son pote Kemar ont créé cette bannière publicitaire pour la compilation:


voici le code html pour linsérer: (sur myspace p.ex.)

<embed src='http://home.arcor.de/stiwidiwi/468x60_Electrobel_TRIP-HOP-01.swf' quality='best' bgcolor='#OOOOO0' width='468' height='60' name='electrobel' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' />

Je crois que le BBCode flash est désactivé sur electrobel.
(cequi est absolument comprehensible pour des raisons de sécurité)

sur d'autres forums ou tel ne serait pas le cas faites:


liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Everybody go to www.trip-hop.net and admire that wonderful banner on top of the page!!!!

and if you wanna be extragentle... drop a line to their webmaster and say THANK YOU!


replace (at) by @
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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419 downloads til now
Ruby [be]
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Post: 12
Last track: get funky
verry nize compilation , bigup !!!
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Trip-Hop #01 featured on trip-acoustic.over-blog.com

on startpage (bottom)



Thanks Nanufl!
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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Several Electrobel Trip-Hop #01 artists are now featured on loungin.mine.nu stream !!!

Original message:

[¨I linked your site and added a little review of the compilation. Also, I was really feeling these 4 songs:

Neofile - Moonlight
The Chill Conspiracy - Oxygen
Aralow - When
IslaCoul12 - Des maladies de luxe

These are the ones I added to the stream.



***Keep spreading the news! 8) ***
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 7
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This is the short review:

"So I was on Myspace the other day, and I ran across this tight ass trip-hop group called "The Chill Conspiracy". They have an entire 90meg compilation free for download that includes a bunch of TripHop Independants. Be prepared for some real phat tunes with some deep hypnotizing beats. I had to get them in the stream. Check them out http://www.label.electrobel.info."