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Forum : E-Bel News : next ebel meeting/bbq/workshop/gig

bandarlog [be]
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Post: 1102
Last track: Sofa so good
[b]electrobel summer gig with bbq, workshop & lots of live acts!
sa. 26/7/2008 4pm till 4am

- workshop by us for us using a pc/beamer/soundsystem in the afternoon
- meeting
- bbq for all
- chilled summer fiesta

line up:

In Cut Flower


Distreality vs. elfenkommando





Go for it.
icteder [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 350
Last track: altered state
Originally posted by : bandarlog

I mailed Scheldapen (some sort of youthouse where you can hold small concerts/meetings/bbq's sponsored by the city of Antwerp. ) with a proposition to hold an ebel meeting incl. bbq and concert.  They loved the idea and we can get the place for €100 + €50 (cleaning up).  They even told me that that price is negotiable (because they loved the idea). 

So, now the big question is: are you guys interested in an afternoon + evening somewhere in July with bbq, meeting and in the evening and night live gigs by electrobel allstars :))?  Or are you all gone on holdiays?
 The place is really nice...  I've been there for some alternative gipsy & reggae concert and it's really cosy next to the river, away from the city centre, lots of green, garden etc etc... (next to Petrol btw).

I was even thinking about a really extended version with:

- workshop by us for us using a pc/beamer/soundsystem in the afternoon
- meeting
- bbq for all
- chilled summer fiesta 

I think it's a really interesting deal since the location is superb, the price is ridiculously cheap and we have all the accomodations we need.

The big question is: how much people of BXL and Gent are willing to come over to the far and away Antwerp for this.  I don't want to start organising this when just 5 people show up.

What do you think?   


hell i'd love to play
what the fuck,... sounds like an UBERplan!!!

(o yeah, I'd love to play to ;) )

so it would be a whole afternoon & night of electrobel massiveness?
particle [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 667
Last track: Libar
I would love that :))
BpOlar [be]
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Post: 321
Last track: Led Lilith
yes indeed Scheldapen is a very place.for those coming from further away , I'm sure you can camp in their garden  their site www.scheldapen.be/ 
Skip [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 952
Last track: Plutopian
allright! thats really great,ill come from Gent for that!...I could borrow a car and play chauffeur.

Also available for (chill or not) live set.
kornie [be]
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Post: 421
Last track: droid stampede
good idea...
i'm in! an i won't even bother you with my rechte-deure-beets ^^
bandarlog [be]
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Post: 1102
Last track: Sofa so good
hehe, thanks for the replies & enthusiasm.  plz understand that if 50 ebellians come, 50 ebellians won't be able to play.  So plz show up even if you can't play!  I'll ask them for an exact date.  If you know some vj's who are willing to show their talents: plz contact them (when I have a date set).

Distreality [be]
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Post: 1594
Last track: Reality Check
Great idea !!!

I allready played a few industrial gigs there in the past and I was working in a vzw that helped them with paperworks and stuff to get their place up and running...

So for me it would be supercool to play there once again, i know a lot of people there, would be awesome !!!!!!

And of course the meeting would be cool as well...

Bandarlog, maybe we can fix this thing together, what do you think?

And I live in Mechelen, so very close to them ! 
mrMute [be]
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Post: 241
Last track: der Drang
i want to collaborate. we might even try to get it subsidized by antwerp.
HarryPoppins [be]
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Post: 1461
Last track: ~ Smopkalitei ~
yep, im in! if il back in belgium on that date, i'll be there
with or without laptop :) 
mrMute [be]
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Post: 241
Last track: der Drang
do you know if there's a sound/light installation. we can get that too pretty cheap from Antwerp. 
firefrog [be]
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Post: 1042
Last track: goggles
yeah! very cool initiative!! if it's in the weekend, i'll come.
if you want some live minimal-electro-techno, lemme know. it's been some time since my last liveset, and i've been making some enjoyable (imho) new thingies.

or the workshop, i can also explain sum things about producing with ableton, automated synths and reason in rewire. or how to make a big but proper, clean live-set with ableton.
bandarlog [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 1102
Last track: Sofa so good
Great to se you guys are all in!  lots of people willing to play, which is normal...  Do mind that I'd like to make it a thematic/conceptual thing with a story when it comes to styles.  I'd like to attract other people besides ebel as well.  Getting a sweet line up won't be the problem, that's for sure.  getting a nice crowd (not hundreds but still...) who are willing to come even if they don't get to play and who bring along nice people, that's the challenge (of electrobel).  So don't worry about the line up, that's covered :))  Offcourse I will do my best to have a very filled line up.

As for organisation:

- Mr Mute & Distreality: great you guys want to co-organise! You both live near and I bet Mr Mute can make Ekeren and his youth house there warm for a nice chilled evening.

- About the funding: I think too that we can get subsidised.  Will contact a friend of mine who works for the city.  
- About the gear & soundsystem: I think (!) they have one there.  Offcourse we won't be needing mixers etc since we're all gearfreaks ourselves. 
(- I was planning on making it a complete CC-night in order to see possible sabam gestapo leave with empty pockets :)) This means no dj's but that won't be a problem either) 
- We still have to wait for a date to get things started

- We will need VJ's and a beamer (or two) so if anyone is up for that: please...

- Thank you firefrog for the first proposition of a workshop item.  If we can do the workshop (haven't asked them yet but I'm sure it won't be a prob), I'll be explaining how to go further using fruityloops & how to premaster. 
- If the bbq-plan will take place I'd like to do it the hippie-clochard way: bring yer own foodz :)) 

I nkow it's hard right now but can you make an estimate of how many people you could bring to this kind of event so we have a very rough idea if there will be 10 or 200 people... 
Distreality [be]
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Post: 1594
Last track: Reality Check
i can check for a sound system, and not just a sound system

i'll contact a friend of mine ( psychosound ) he has the HK-audio projector system and he often did the sound there for big gigs 

i'll contact him as soon as i got a final date for the event...

keep me posted 
BpOlar [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 321
Last track: Led Lilith
if you need some help from me ... I also live very close ... Antwerp/South.If the weather is OK ... you can also do things outside besides the BBQ.. last time I was there they had a decent PA.... I was the only one listening to 'Fear Falls Burning' with no earplugs !!! Why don't you invite Mauro Pawlovski ... he's a regular there 
WanBushi [be]
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Post: 46
Last track: Bushi's Dreamland
yop I like the idea. A nice ebel barbecue in the belgian summer ^^
and I'm also ready to play a set if u want, like everyone else i guess :)

aphone [be]
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Post: 1993
Last track: Evening tea riddim
if u make some flyers i can distribute in BXL, willing to play off course and i know simon geilfus is a vj he posted somethin in the video section, have a look and contact him if u want...
I'll come to Antwerp with pleisure,, no matter if i play   :D    zaaaaaaaaaaaalig peeee  ^^
particle [be]
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Post: 667
Last track: Libar
if i manage to fix my liveset i also would like to drop a live.. :))