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Forum : E-Bel News : Ebel Music in the Exit07 Bunkerbox
Few weeks ago, I got contacted by the Exit07 which is the number one alternative music venue in Luxembourg, about a free jukebox they wanted to install in the club during summer. As many others I was asked to compile about 15 of my favorite songs. Well... as more than 100 other people did, I also made my playlist... with the difference that I chose to pick only songs by some of my favorite electrobel artists under a CC License. I considered this a nice way to promote some great ebellers.
The graphic studio BUNKER PALACE has managed to transform an old video arcade machine into a fully functioning customized Jukebox. The BUNKERBOX is filled with an eclectic mix of tracks chosen by more than one hundred participants, and works along the same principles as a free Jukebox.
Here's my playlist:
01 phollox - Shadow_over_Tibet
02 omihoshbin - Phono
03 Shepherd - analogstep
04 StorungStelle - St_rungstep
05 LeBelgeElectrod - Because_They_Don_t_Exist_
06 SEXTOY - The_Maharajah
07 O_for_Odetta_-_Traffic
08 EgonFisk - yi_io_ti
09 Jenovah - Legend_of_the_Everplane
10 bandarlog - Moist
11 filmjolk - Hoop__en_herinnering_
12 strekie - my_plastic_twin_brother
13 Samforce - 2069
14 brainsucked - mushroom_lab
15 WanBushi - Bushi_s_Jungle_Opera
16 Letrange - Short_Circuit
For those who want to listen to these songs... I made an ebel playlist:
15 years ago
Tnx for taking my track man :), really appreciated! greetz
15 years ago
your track is a great opener!
15 years ago
Really nice concept! More bar and café should have one!
And off course thank you liquidbass to have selected on of my track. :-)
And off course thank you liquidbass to have selected on of my track. :-)
15 years ago
be welcome...
thats the powerful ending ;)
thats the powerful ending ;)
15 years ago
When I came to exit07 tonight, Bandarlogs track was playing in the jukebox and it wasnt me who launched it. ;)
15 years ago