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Forum : E-Bel News : Electrobel | Netlab on last.fm

Doorchaser [be]
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Post: 379
Last track:
as most of you know, I know my way around the last.fm network. I started to promote Belgian Music teher with my two groups Belgian Electronics and Belgian Ambient.
I never left Electrobel though!! This network was my first encounter with Internet exposure, with a CC License and with lots and lots of amazing free downloadable electronica.
Besides that this is the only site that really made my music to what it is today. All the feedback I got was extremely relevant and well received!
I recently started wandering through the Electrobel Netlabel and I found many amazing quality releases and you can download them for free!!!
So I started thinking to make a last.fm labelpage for the netlabel. I got permission from Suredj, so I made something up for an example.
here it is:
I intend to upload all the releases there. It will take me a while, but if any of you is interested in helping I'd be glad. Just let me know your username on last.fm and I'll make you a co-manager.