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Forum : E-Bel News : News from V3?
What's up with V3?
Few month ago V3 was nearly there, zark was posting link to a preview of site and was speaking of V3 being online soon, server nearly ready, etc..
Anybody got some news about the situation?
(no offenssive thoughts here! just curious to know the state of V3)
Few month ago V3 was nearly there, zark was posting link to a preview of site and was speaking of V3 being online soon, server nearly ready, etc..
Anybody got some news about the situation?
(no offenssive thoughts here! just curious to know the state of V3)
14 years ago
Originally posted by : Letrange Yeah, I'm curious too! Looking forward to V.3. in action
14 years ago
V3 is only for the users who's songs have 30.000 hits, it's for the elite only (f.e. Mono, vanessa tesla, cestqui,..)
14 years ago
they get all the 360euro bookings, and they share wave files, you also have an online homedelivery service.
I've also heard once that there's a V3 secret palace, where they throw private parties with 50cents, and SnoopDog, while Zark is in the swiming pool enjoying his cigar with the Playboy girls around him, all that is offcourse paid with the V2 user's donations, and givichy Universal marketing strategies.
they get all the 360euro bookings, and they share wave files, you also have an online homedelivery service.
I've also heard once that there's a V3 secret palace, where they throw private parties with 50cents, and SnoopDog, while Zark is in the swiming pool enjoying his cigar with the Playboy girls around him, all that is offcourse paid with the V2 user's donations, and givichy Universal marketing strategies.
14 years ago
I'm wondering too! Why does it take so long?... Any response from ZARK over here????
14 years ago
mouahahahaa ^^
Originally posted by : Letrange
they get all the 360euro bookings, and they share wave files, you also have an online homedelivery service.
I've also heard once that there's a V3 secret palace, where they throw private parties with 50cents, and SnoopDog, while Zark is in the swiming pool enjoying his cigar with the Playboy girls around him, all that is offcourse paid with the V2 user's donations, and givichy Universal marketing strategies.
14 years ago
New server is only going to come online this saturday. We had issues with our hoster that decided to just completely ignore every phone call or email from his clients. Situation has been resolved after a phone hunt :p And the migration SHOULD take place this saturday. In which case electrobel will be offline for a couple of hours. I'm off course waiting for a solid confirmation before telling your all ebel will be offline on saturday :) as of V3, slight delays as i've found some interesting security issues that i'm trying to resolve... As i'd like to avoid you guyz being able to upload songs to someone else's account, or delete them etc... So some finetuning in the works, ... edit: oh yeah, and as you noticed the text posting is totally f** with Chrome, i'm also trying to figure that one out ^^
14 years ago
Originally posted by : Letrange
they get all the 360euro bookings, and they share wave files,
Wav.? your kidding, we roll on losless Flac we do,yeah son.
14 years ago
Thanks for the info.... ;)Quote:
Originally posted by : Administrator
New server is only going to come online this saturday. We had issues with our hoster that decided to just completely ignore every phone call or email from his clients. Situation has been resolved after a phone hunt :p And the migration SHOULD take place this saturday. In which case electrobel will be offline for a couple of hours. I'm off course waiting for a solid confirmation before telling your all ebel will be offline on saturday :) as of V3, slight delays as i've found some interesting security issues that i'm trying to resolve... As i'd like to avoid you guyz being able to upload songs to someone else's account, or delete them etc... So some finetuning in the works, ... edit: oh yeah, and as you noticed the text posting is totally f** with Chrome, i'm also trying to figure that one out ^^
14 years ago
no news, good news!
Cool! If you would have told me that V3 would be there in one month I would allready be happy!
But wow this saturday! that's near.
Be shure to take the time that you need for the finetuning!
Cool! If you would have told me that V3 would be there in one month I would allready be happy!
But wow this saturday! that's near.
Be shure to take the time that you need for the finetuning!
14 years ago
ah no, v3 won't be online this saturday. Buffy will. the new server. THEN i'll have to finish hunting those v3 bugs + all the new server setups ... then some open beta testing :)
14 years ago
Originally posted by : Administrator
ah no, v3 won't be online this saturday. Buffy will.
14 years ago
:p lollQuote:
Originally posted by : SkipQuote:
Originally posted by : Letrange Haha. they get all the 360euro bookings, and they share wave files,Quote:
Wav.? your kidding, we roll on losless Flac we do,yeah son.
14 years ago
E-Bel will be offline today around 14-15h for an unspecified amount of time (how long does it take to copy 400gb of data).
If you see any strange behaviors after the migration be sure to post something in the BUGS forum. Thanx.
If you see any strange behaviors after the migration be sure to post something in the BUGS forum. Thanx.
14 years ago
[i]When when when?

Electrobel V.3.

Electrobel V.3.
14 years ago
Right now and until mid-august, i have 0 time to work on it unfortunately :(
Have to fix the main page, that is broken since our designer rewrote all my css (how courageous). Then i have to write the register system, couple of notifications, the whole hidden "log" things ... oh yeah and the "my muzik" page ... then its ready for beta testing ... So it's still a bit of work, but it's almost there ...
Have to fix the main page, that is broken since our designer rewrote all my css (how courageous). Then i have to write the register system, couple of notifications, the whole hidden "log" things ... oh yeah and the "my muzik" page ... then its ready for beta testing ... So it's still a bit of work, but it's almost there ...
14 years ago
I'm sure you will make a big party when this V3 will be online. Keep up the great work !Quote:
Originally posted by : ZARk
Right now and until mid-august, i have 0 time to work on it unfortunately :(
Have to fix the main page, that is broken since our designer rewrote all my css (how courageous). Then i have to write the register system, couple of notifications, the whole hidden "log" things ... oh yeah and the "my muzik" page ... then its ready for beta testing ... So it's still a bit of work, but it's almost there ...
14 years ago