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Forum : Bug Reports : there's something wrong with the "quote"

gozno [be]
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Post: 689
Last track: drezden
sometimes when you quote someone in the forum it looks like you wrote the last post...i hope you know what i mean...also that sometimes happens while answering to someone's pm too

not everytime but still

basically sometimes the (
) thingie is there and sometimes not and when it's not, everything you write looks like it was written in the last post.
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Post: 175
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Originally posted by : gozno

sometimes when you quote someone in the forum it looks like you wrote the last post...i hope you know what i mean...also that sometimes happens while answering to someone's pm too

not everytime but still

basically sometimes the (
) thingie is there and sometimes not and when it's not, everything you write looks like it was written in the last post.
I encountered the situation often. Also the ™ becoming ? , kinda boring sometimes…
DeHomunculus [be]
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Post: 103
Last track: We Only Act Smart
i always start typing a few lines under the quotations... don't know whether it helps or not.
Distreality [be]
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Post: 1594
Last track: Reality Check
noticed it too
RedVade [be]
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Post: 360
Last track: Compilation 2007
indeed .. had that a lot ... especially when you wanna complex quote on several frazes of the thread.. impossible almost...
firefrog [be]
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Post: 1042
Last track: goggles
i like the previous message-window a lot more. maybe less tools, but simpler and never any trouble
ZARk [be]
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Post: 502
Last track: Intro to Nothing
yeah, i thought TinyMCE would solve the issues i had with the other "ripped of from a flemish website" message window, but new issues came up :(

tinyMCE is good for html, really usefull on the wiki (for me), but it's a pain for bbcode...