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Forum : Bug Reports : Download broken for sertain track

OberOhm [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 34
Last track: PûhD1
So it has been ages since my last visit here. I was listning to my old works and wanted to download the mp3. Most tracks have no problem,exept ofcourse the one i realy wanted :( Getting 404 message,while I listn to it without problems. I have tried using Chrome iso Firefox to see if that fixes it but no luck. This is the error msg i'm getting. Any way to recover this mp3?

Not Found

The requested URL /mp3/2918-Electrobel-OberOhm-Tis weer vanda ofwa was not found on this server.
Administrator [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 25
Last track:
Ah yes.

Looks like the "?!" in the end of the filename are making issues.

copy the link and remove those from the file and it will load fine. I'll try to add a cleanup for that.
OberOhm [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 34
Last track: PûhD1
Updated the track's name, works like a charm ;)