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Forum : Socialize : 2012

adya [be]
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Post: 42
Last track: Bitch please
i saw this documentary on 2012, found it fascinating tough it had some huge gaps in it. nowadays there's a lot going on about 2012. maybe something is going to happen but they said in 1999 that some huge catastrophe was going to hit us... nothing happenend.... so these disaster scenario's are losing their credibility. this documentary gave another meaning to 2012, it says something will happen to your social lives. this is one of the many theories about 2012.
personally i'd like something to happen.  because our world as it is doesn't seem to be working as good as it could be.
will we die? is it going to happen? when will it happen? must we fear?
i sure hope so :)
what do you think? 
Akwalek [be]
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Post: 987
Last track: Automated Lifeform (mArtnr236)
its already happening
evolution forces us to
the power to change is in you
every second is a new chance
realize that you are the beginning
treat reality like you want it to treat you
wish and dream
focus and act
your thoughts are your world
arrange them and see their power
stay positif
we will make it huge

adya [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 42
Last track: Bitch please
nice way to put it (:
I think that if people keep feeding their fear about the so-called end like they're doing now... They'll probably start killing each other by the time it's here.
Akwalek [be]
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Post: 987
Last track: Automated Lifeform (mArtnr236)

keep thinkin positif
No actually I just keep thinking :p
crolerbedo [be]
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Post: 3
Last track:
Just wait for erophin's answer, he knows much much about it, all kind of "mystical" things. Actually 2012 was the end of the world's date according to the...Aztec or Maya...can't remember exactly, but anyway, the fact is that these populations were able to do remarkable things at their time...such has knowing the existence (and even position maybe) of twin stars, in their mythology...quite impressive knowing that it has hardly been proved by the 1970's or such...
SO why not ? 
meutn [be]
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Post: 667
Last track: Libar
the maya's say 2012 is the end of an era, it's not THE end :D
indeed, ask erophin, he can give you a shitload of information ;) gnagna
Originally posted by : eeezzeepeezzeee

I think that if people keep feeding their fear about the so-called end like they're doing now... They'll probably start killing each other by the time it's here.

self-fullfilling profecy
maybe even quantum fysics (though that has big gaps as well ;-) )

and I couldn't agree more with you eeezzee

But the whole "2012" thing is pretty dogy (from what I've seen on the link), some planets & rocks will have made an entire orbit around our galaxy.... SO? the earth spins around the sun 1 a year, does that mean every year we should shite our pants becouse the world is suppositly going to end?
o yeah, and wasn't the world gonna end in 2000? Y2K & all that crap?

I'm just scared from this guy: refering to philosofers' and great scientists quotes entirely out of context to fund his beliefs, having more faith in religians (and prohpecies) then in science...
He just tries to fill people with fear to make them believe him (see my song: http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/17648/Condamned the quote I used is his :D )

ps: lol @ the whole "bush is secretly an englishman and a relative of godfruid van bouillon"-conspiracy, woehoe bush is a belgian!
crolerbedo [be]
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Post: 3
Last track:
 And ifI remember well, it's the fifth cycle that will end, which supposed to be the last one in fact (it's not that I want to get the last word nononononono ;) )
Honestly, that's something of that kind
anyway it's an oppportunity to make a biiiiiiiiig party before the "end", isn't it ?
"Electrobel present : the end of our civilization" 
Originally posted by : meutn

the maya's say 2012 is the end of an era, it's not THE end :D
indeed, ask erophin, he can give you a shitload of information ;) gnagna

Originally posted by : crolerbedo

 And ifI remember well, it's the fifth cycle that will end, which supposed to be the last one in fact (it's not that I want to get the last word nononononono ;) )
Honestly, that's something of that kind
anyway it's an oppportunity to make a biiiiiiiiig party before the "end", isn't it ?
"Electrobel present : the end of our civilization" 
Originally posted by : meutn

the maya's say 2012 is the end of an era, it's not THE end :D
indeed, ask erophin, he can give you a shitload of information ;) gnagna

I'm in, but I'm not spinning after midnight ;)
quioui [be]
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Post: 308
Last track:
bla bla

time to start up ECLECTERIC of EBESOTERIC. Come on guys. get serious! nothing is gonna happen except that you ll probably have a kid that you ll love.
Originally posted by : quioui

bla bla

time to start up ECLECTERIC of EBESOTERIC. Come on guys. get serious! nothing is gonna happen except that you ll probably have a kid that you ll love.

OOeeeh yes.. keep your eyes closed.. I'd like to hear you say that in 4 years! :p
dev [be]
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Post: 45
Last track: momo
reminded me of the da vinci code, which is fiction FYI
omihoshbin [be]
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Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
the man in the movie has some strong points and has clearly red his history books,
but the fear of .............,the fall of man
is a matter about human conscious as a whole, meaning that people are as one, and are conected as a common thread and conected to powers that be.
homogeneous as it is cald, collective memorys and feelings,
i for one never understud that, the whole that we are as beeings,
makes no sence to me
do not forget that acctualy we are all individualists!
stand alone complexes,
all unique!
whitch has nothing to do with the stars or space.
mearly monkeys with to much thinking time on there hands is what we are.

As for the end of the humans or the world, no doubt about it,
but there is no date to it, you can't say when its gonna happen.

humans have no particular purposs in life and aren't given one!
but that dousn't mean we should throw away what we have and that is our world we live on, so recycle and use you car less
and please don't be afraid of the end of the world
quioui [be]
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Post: 308
Last track:
imho opinion there are better goals in life than devoting time to that crap

crolerbedo [be]
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Post: 3
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Yeah but most human beliefs are crap in a way...that's what make them so attractive 
Distreality [be]
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Post: 1594
Last track: Reality Check
Originally posted by : quioui

imho opinion there are better goals in life than devoting time to that crap

So just because YOU have your oppinion, all others are crap, are they? Very constructive vision you have there...

2012 Is the end of the world as it is according to the maya's...
This has got nothing to do with appocalyptic scenarios, floods and disasters, but with the end of a level of conciousness....
They thought that humanity would shift to another level of conciousness in 2012, making us more able concerning mental insights and the use of our minds...

True or not ? the future will tell...They were right about most things they did and predicted and I sure hope they were right about this as well...

As for the self proclaimed ' realists ' that think all non-traditional ways of thinking are crap I say this :

Blind belief is never a good thing, no mather what you believe....
You must allways leave your mind open enough for other oppinions / possibilities /....

meutn [be]
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Post: 667
Last track: Libar
Originally posted by : quioui

bla bla

time to start up ECLECTERIC of EBESOTERIC. Come on guys. get serious! nothing is gonna happen except that you ll probably have a kid that you ll love.

lol :d
gozno [be]
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Post: 689
Last track: drezden
damn erpohin is not up yet guys ^^