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Forum : Socialize : smokers?

omihoshbin [be]
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Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
Purely for documentation puposes

*note, this information will not be sold to any large capitalistic tobacco company, i swear.

Do you smoke siggarets, roll sigaretts, enjoi secondhand smoking and or the smell of fresh squeezed lemon juice ?

folowing aswers will do.
- yes
- no
- both
- ?

in case you anwerd yes.

How long and why.

bonus points.do you even smoke used sigarrets when out of siggarets or tobacco?

thank you for your time and cooperation. A sack of hand picked tobacco will be send to your house promptly, if you like it or not.

liquidbass [be]
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Post: 1288
Last track: lingering souls
yo omi...
the <span> etc tags come from safari... 
better use the latest versions of Opera or Firefox to browse electrobel
Ps: I know I am off topic... but I wanted to pass on this message.</span>
omihoshbin [be]
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Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
thx liquid. i'm using chrome from google btw^^
Doorchaser [be]
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Post: 379
Last track:
NO! Quit five years ago smoked two packs a day. Went totally cold turkey and didn't regret that for ONE single day. :D Besides that I have totally no problem with smokers!!! Yihaa
bramboCell [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 178
Last track: Trippin\\\'Balls
I'm a social and/or stress smoker :P Usually I only smoke when I have a drink... Sometimes I smoke during the week after a stress situation... But I really don't smoke a lot. Want to keep it that way too!
omihoshbin [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
Originally posted by : bramboCell I'm a social and/or stress smoker :P Usually I only smoke when I have a drink... Sometimes I smoke during the week after a stress situation... But I really don't smoke a lot. Want to keep it that way too!
thats quite intresting. i'm a sosial drinker, i never touch beer in normal occasions.but i do smoke alot. more actualy than i'm willing to do.Is it a choice of you to stop in the week and only smoke in weekends ?i'm mean do you feel the sensation to smoke and still say no ?
bramboCell [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 178
Last track: Trippin\\\'Balls
Originally posted by : omihoshbin

Originally posted by : bramboCell I'm a social and/or stress smoker :P Usually I only smoke when I have a drink... Sometimes I smoke during the week after a stress situation... But I really don't smoke a lot. Want to keep it that way too!
thats quite intresting. i'm a sosial drinker, i never touch beer in normal occasions.but i do smoke alot. more actualy than i'm willing to do.Is it a choice of you to stop in the week and only smoke in weekends ?i'm mean do you feel the sensation to smoke and still say no ?

best thing to do is DONT BUY ANY CIGARETTES... I do have the urge to smoke when it's a break in eveningschool and all the others are smoking. then it's hard but for the rest, no prob's during the week... except when I have a drink and I never drink during the week if you're wondering about that :)
 I do have a love affair with Mrs. marie-jean if you know what I'm saying ;-) but it's vaporising love not smoking love hehe     
omihoshbin [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
Originally posted by : bramboCell
Originally posted by : omihoshbin
Originally posted by : bramboCell I'm a social and/or stress smoker :P Usually I only smoke when I have a drink... Sometimes I smoke during the week after a stress situation... But I really don't smoke a lot. Want to keep it that way too!
thats quite intresting. i'm a sosial drinker, i never touch beer in normal occasions.but i do smoke alot. more actualy than i'm willing to do.Is it a choice of you to stop in the week and only smoke in weekends ?i'm mean do you feel the sensation to smoke and still say no ?
   best thing to do is DONT BUY ANY CIGARETTES... I do have the urge to smoke when it's a break in eveningschool and all the others are smoking. then it's hard but for the rest, no prob's during the week... except when I have a drink and I never drink during the week if you're wondering about that :) I do have a love affair with Mrs. marie-jean if you know what I'm saying ;-) but it's vaporising love not smoking love hehe     
thats pretty cool. i'd go nuts in the week , and i praise the lord for the smoke breaks i get on my job.vaporiser héeey, your the first i know that does that.note, this thread is also meant for non-smokers, anti smokers, ex smokers and plain simple shimny stokkers.
Skip [be]
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Post: 952
Last track: Plutopian
I do it like this from the beginning;
never bought any tobacco or weed.
when somebody "passes" me something ,ill puff on it couple of times.
and when I go out and somebody presents me a cigarette for nothing,if Im kinda drunk Ill take it an puf it all up,only on partys that is.
I never ask anything.
ow yeah,when at my place, smokers can smoke a couple.

Idd rather skip buying,having stinky clothes,unhealtyness,having to go to the store when youre out,yellow fingers,yellow teeth...
Smoking during the day ,it somewhere kinda shows that those people need to be bussy with something,but I found it weird that it has to be something expensive,outside mostely,unhealthy and all that crap...

have the will-power

vanpet [be]
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Post: 146
Last track: What's on your mind?
i never smoked cigarets, but sometimes weed can really spice up a fiesta.
bramboCell [be]
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Post: 178
Last track: Trippin\\\'Balls
Originally posted by : omihoshbin

vaporiser héeey, your the first i know that does that.

best investment evah!     
liquidbass [be]
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Post: 1288
Last track: lingering souls
never smoke a "last" cigarette... let it be the first one you did not smoke...

Thats my experience!
mrMute [be]
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Post: 241
Last track: der Drang
i smoke
i started smoking lucky strikes.
started rolling belgam 20
and now red pall mall + rizzla blue, because its cheap.
i don't like filter cigarettes anymore, taste of rolled cigarettes is better. i only use filters when i am DJ'ing. rolled cigarettes+ a filter typ is alright.
i've tried cigars, and pipe. i really like pipe, you need some practice to smoke it the right way but it has a great taste way better than cigarettes. i recommend honey tobacco.
smoking + coffee is great!!
smoking a cigarette can really buy you some time to think/filosophy
i start smoking when i wake up, smoke all day and smoke the last one right before i go to sleep.
i quit once in a while, but always start again. when i'm drinking i just cant resist.

when i have no tobacco i usually search my bags of tobacco for leftovers (greuzel) and i add a tipke. i already rolled cigarettes from leftoversin the ashtray.

i know i'll quit, i smoke less then i used to, but i just have to really make that decision.
KWeN [be]
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Post: 254
Last track: Standard Champion
Originally posted by : bramboCell

best thing to do is DONT BUY ANY CIGARETTES...    
 word.  never buy any cigarettes, never smoked any and never had any problems :D 
Omyiga [be]
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Post: 153
Last track: Unassigned Space Nr.3
I don't smoke
I have smoked for a while (only a year and not that much) a few years ago,
but suddenly I got extremely sick, I had  the worst night in my life back then (hours of puking olé!) and problems with my lungs. I didn't know if it had anything to do with the smoking but I didn't want to risk making my sickness even worse, so I stopped. I never touched a ciggarete since then (except for one time while being drunk but luckily it didn't taste good)
At the moment I find smoking pretty useless (zinloos?). You pay way to much for it, it's not very healthy, blabla. I dó understand why smokers smoke and I respect them. But I find smoking weed once in a while much more euh 'zinvol'. Voor zover dat zinvol is lol. I do it especially to clear my mind or have another perspective on reality.
Akwalek [be]
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Post: 987
Last track: Automated Lifeform (mArtnr236)
i smoke, all i can get my hands on
from my coffee mornin break till the late night movie in bed...

and i love it , the moves, the habit, even the smell and the taste...iam build to breath smoke it seems...
nutrixia [be]
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Post: 27
Last track:
i don't smoke..
it smells, it's expensive, and i just don't like it
Falcon030 [be]
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Post: 201
Last track: Dicky my friend 2007
have smoked for more than 8 a 9 euros a day 1,5 year ago !am now rolling self with an hand machine costs are now 75 euro a month instead of 308 euros !put now more than 233 euros a month in my pocket !  im smoking now less cigarettes 20/25 now earlier more than 40/50 a day   
omihoshbin [be]
Profile Picture
Post: 269
Last track: hello dream bell
and now red pall mall + rizzla blue, because its cheap.
i don't like filter cigarettes anymore, taste of rolled cigarettes is better.

same here, rizla and cheapo tabako. also i hate filters now. it's too harsh :o
yes too harsh weird as it may seem, whilst the argument of filter smokers is that rolled cigarettes are to harsh, or they cant roll ^^
iv's heard that cigarette manufacturers insert glass fibres or something into the filter itself to bring little minuscule cuts in your mouth, that way more nicotine is took up in your body....
could be total bollox , but i feel the difference for sure.

my first pack was mallboro mint ^^ yeah whooop hooop !