Hello. Due to a double booking (artists..), we're in need of someone who's willing to play @ "la PEACE de résistance #01 - soirée délinquente - édition électronique / een elektronische avond vanuit het HART", this Sunday at the unused bar 'Pilchard'- Vismarkt Mechelen. The evening starts at 20h & we will end it at 02h00, just so we wouldn't have to entertain too many drunk people & avoid troubles..
the live dub act with a professional sax-player probably can't make it anymore, so there's only me who would have to play for 6 hours straight. that's a wee bit much.
so anybody who's willing to (& does play a bit of the beaten track) is VERY welcome to do so.
the same day there's a big electronic event in Mechelen, An Electronic Afternoon in the Park which ends at 22pm. So we do expect some folk to enjoy their after-party with us.
please contact me ASAP if you want to play: joclarysse@gmail.com
CDJ's, mixer, monitor & some visuals present. turntables can be arranged.
Sadly, no income so only gain in name & fame and such ;) but I will pay you something for your traveling expenses out of my own pocket.