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fabethefabulous - LUCIOLE




cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

not that i'm any elektro expert,but it seems very dry sound,try to reverb some things;it would sound so mutch tastier;

i dont mean it should drawn in reverb,just a bit ya know;..a touch..

its elektronic elektro music,and it sounds like a doedelzak;

just trying to help,nothing offensive;

i have to admit,dide'nt listen to it all
but i always had that feeling on your tracks,they are so dry;keep them tasty;

try to capture the audiance,with earcandy,make us eat your dish;

i just know 100% if ya use ,what 's been givin;your tracks would become more interestin,and listenable;

so ya can see this comment 2 ways,i hope ya take it the wright way,and rework all that shit,it would benefit from it;

at least keep this in mind..i dont benefit from it,but still stickin my neck out,in a sarcastic-funny -rememberable way;

if ya post it in icz,i explain how ya can do the job;



fabethefabulous [be] - 18 years ago

je ne comprend rien si t as le temps de traduire ce serait cool merci ;)

cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

if ya dont want to understand,its not in my benifit,its your prob;

it seems in older songs,you understood english,you are going backwards instead of progresion;

if ya dont understand doedelzak,..

its the instrument from scotland,the weird guys are playin it with skirts,sorry to bring up that picture,its just the instrument i was refering too;

end conclusion,learn to use mixer,reverb sounds,instead of waistin time on installin vsti's,and relying on their qualety,to make good song;

at the end,it goes through 1 whole,the mixer output,by by now

melodikpinpon [be] - 18 years ago

moi jva rester modeste sur mon commentaire: tres chouette mec !

nice track man,+

edith [be] - 18 years ago

i like !

fabethefabulous [be] - 18 years ago

merci bocoup
les amis

melodikpinpon [be] - 18 years ago

c'est con ca que des gens ne prennent pas la peine d'essayer de communiquer avec toi en francais, ne serais-ce que par ouverture, les commentaires seraient peut-etre plus constructifs...
mais là , je ne vois pas l'interet à tout ca... je dis ca pour toi, "c'est qui".
