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Stakha - Opus Pocus
Humwhat can i say ?
opus pocus because it's funny...
hope you enjoy this happy track.
Stakha top 5:
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and what about you ?
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GAZAAA [be] - 18 years ago
icteder [be] - 18 years ago
Stakha [be] - 18 years ago
i recently see an amazing concert of a free-jazz artist called eddy loozen who maybe inspire me on this. he play with four greats musicians and it was totally improvisation. I dont want to say that is a free-jazz track or i'm a jazz musician but the freedom of loozen in the melody breathe me in.
thanks for the comment ;) i will take a look nearest.
icteder [be] - 18 years ago
Stakha [be] - 18 years ago
it's not the notes themeself who are wrongs. but it's the automation done on the oscillator shift. when it go too high it pass a ton or a semi-ton dunno. thanks again for your precious comment...;)
icteder [be] - 18 years ago
analept [be] - 18 years ago
nice one bro'
HarryPoppins [be] - 18 years ago
Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago
edith [be] - 18 years ago
Stakha [be] - 18 years ago
i'm glad u like. really...
edith [be] - 18 years ago
Skip [be] - 17 years ago