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SCUM - my c#nt...my c#nt ,my c#nt, my c#nt




platte shit...zo plat als dat maar kan

tried to make some shortcircuit between hiphop electronic dancemusic and platte pornotrax

tzit nie echt veel in...tklinkt misschien wel wa vet
all is fruityloops ,no additives
and a demo...so modification ain't possible no more





dorkbot [be] - 18 years ago

jep... nice vibe! some sounds could be improved, but i like the dirty bass boost!

to bad you can't work on it some more..

Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago

Me likez this. Very Meat Beat Manifesto!!

Good on ya!

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

man, just want to say that your whole presence here on ebel is specialy hilarious...your way of bringing yourself forwart i this community is inspiring...ge zijt ne flasher....over het nr: ik vind niet bepaald dat er veel in zit...

SCUM [be] - 18 years ago

i know and i like it
kvind ook nie bepaald erg om brol te maken,aangezien dak nooit geen goesting e om veel tijd aan producties te besteden
hardcore hilarisch flashen is mijne stijl,yuplaa
i'm an urban pierrot,bicha
"'GheNT SOrdID iDIoTS KaMIkaZeKru'"

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

plat but funny... ;-)