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Alosyus - Pute Negre




aphone [be] - 18 years ago

tout ca c'est de la gaminerie!!!

this is gamineray

T'entends?? leur mont vo moins que 100 dollars
They clock is less then 100 dowlarz

loll nice Rive Sud style compo,should use more vocoder shit and more of thoose scary sounds ya used , i move it to ICZ because of this sudden end you should work it a bit mhhh and maybe a better mix??, chek DaveLuxe he got some nice RH remixe too!

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

Puisqu'il faut la traduc en anglais :

PUTE NEGRE, t'entend jeune PD
On vient de la rive sud .... RIVE SUD!!!

Niggaz bitch, your hear that, young pd ?
We're from the South Side... South side !!!

Check roi heenok ... i'm not insulting alosyus at all ^^

HarryPoppins [be] - 18 years ago

alle fieu
le truc pute pute negre, c quand meme un peu debile je think, but hey its a matter of taste.. maybe u should use it less, like just avant un break, but not the whole song, prcque mntnt the whole track is based on, pute pute pute pute negre negre negre

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Alosyus tu déchires, pute de nègre...

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

Ca c'est du shit comme je l'aime

Gaston [be] - 16 years ago

rive sud !
hey harry it's ghetto tech!

Anonymous [be] - 12 years ago

jeune pd