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WanBushi - Pick A Side (feat Bolz)


Song n°10

Something totaly different this time. Made with Bolz, who is a dub dj. It 's our first collaboration. And perhaps last one too, cause the song is one year old and we didnt do anything together till that day.

About the song : song has a radical change in style at a moment (goes into dub), was kinda experimental. In fact the whole track is a bit experimental, some weird drum loops, structure, etc...

I realy didnt know where to put the song. It's not realy triphop, it could be dub but the dub part is to short compared to the total time of the song. So it became electronica...

Well, enjoy anyway

Wãn Bushi





Merckx [be] - 18 years ago

Great, sounds jazzy, dubby and electronic at the same time. Maybe you should make the structure less "experimental" and cut out some pieces cause -maybe it's just me but- the song is actually quite poppy too, no?

WanBushi [be] - 18 years ago

what the hell is poppy ? ^^ but you're right, it has to much a copy paste feeling, think I will end with the dub part instead of coming back to previous part after the dub.

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

cool production, nice effects ;)

Erophin [be] - 18 years ago

quality stoff !! chapeau !!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

well done...

like it as it is...
thumbs up

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

contains some very good parts.
Liked the first part before the "brainsample" - the jazzy part after that is cool too.
In fact this isn't a song but somewhat 5 songs.

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

great this is just perfect man realy twisted shit