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Hi electronicers,
House music with punchy bass and soft break.

How does it sound?, does the break fit well with the "recovery"?
please let comments






cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

realy nice and house this time,dreamy but no tranzy picture,nice

just one mastering remark,but those melo's at the end really push the dynamic away from the bazeline and rhythme;

all and all not my cup of tea,nethertheless i enjoyed,greetz

djzodiac [be] - 18 years ago

I like this song, sounds nice and has a nice flow to it... the melody is just great!!

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

kinda nice, i love the vocal riff in the end, but also add more sounds and layers i think... but this is party stuff as wel as it is..

keep funkin'

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

The break's certainly not bad...But there could be more to it...Maybe some words/vocals, or an extra fx, because it really drops really quiet.... I hear a lot of strings and very few lowpass during the break...That end melo is indeed kinda dominating the other sounds also... A nifty vocal would be the cherry on top of this good pie ;) Grtz man!