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adrenalin - Soul Driver




icteder [be] - 18 years ago

;hey nice start but i wouldschoose for an more peacefull buildup.find a other beat om af te wisselen and maybe another sound insted of that eighties sounding piew..piewpiew.i like the melody, it has something childish but in a pleasant way.maybe you should leave away the scrath snares sometimes because after awhile you get kinda used to it and it looses its power.but hey,this is realy a good base you've got there.your ideas are often very simple in construction but that gives them their power imo.anyway keep em coming.greets

sitchin [be] - 18 years ago

sounds like you are taking a new direction with 'adrenalin'. well what's in a name hey ;) it's ok-ish but the pad in the background could use some variations, but i like the beat and synth sounds, it has sort of a post-retro sound to it :D keep up

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

i dont like the pad sound...

for the rest its good, but just a bit too monotone maybe...