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jordandb - From Above


Just expirementing with different sounds and some effects and then threw in an old vocal. The track is far from finished but I don't have any inspiration left for today. Will get back to it soon though.





AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

Enjoying .... this is a very decent techno track..
Very quallity sound
Like the echo sound you hear ... really nice.
The mouseclick in the begining should be not so loud though ;) lol
Go's to HD ;) thumbs up

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

i don't like the intro, but amai after a while it gets very cool with lots of potential, equalize this stuff better man, you'll have a cewl techno-track for sure :) Grtzz...

BugSpeed [be] - 18 years ago

Nice punchy tekno track but yeah put some attention on remastering!