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Tjahzi - bitter secrets


second song, it's quite dark and a bit trip hoppy. it might get a little boring after a while but if you think that away its ok :)

still basic, but less basic than the other one. ^^





Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

i comment as i listen...

the drum needs more punch...use more compression on it...
same for the hats and snares...also use

some eq is needed on the synth sounds, they eat away a lot of frequencies...

in the silent parts i'd use some delays on the snares....

the mood and idea are good, but it needs some work...

nice, keep it up....

meutn [be] - 18 years ago

Fré is that you ? ( Sammy speaking here ) if not i'm making a fool out of myself right now so nevermind in that case :D have to agree with distreality here, another idea is to add some more synths with different lines but the same mood, makes the song sound a bit more "fuller" ;) keep up!

Phye [be] - 18 years ago

@ 1.25 i missed the kick, perhaps put some eq's and compressors on ur drums. perhaps a violin which takes on your synths notes but e.g. if synth had all 8th notes makes them 16th so when synths plays the melo once violin plays it twice, would give nice effect in this atmo i think