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Rude - Far away from here
This makes you go wonder about lotsa things..Tight beat, subbass, synth bells & piano.
Needs alotta work tho.
Rude top 5:
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kornie [be] - 18 years ago
i would change the bass. the sound itself is good but you could make it more rithmic cuase now its just one 'bwoooo" if ou understand what i mean...
love the dusty crackle beat and piano!
good start but still a bit to simple, but i'm sure you'll fix it in a full version
keep it up
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
Krankort [be] - 18 years ago
all it needs is some fine scratches and length!
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
SoLo [be] - 18 years ago
Fuzzy [be] - 18 years ago
what software or hardware do you use ?
Rude [be] - 18 years ago
and a midi-man OXYGEN 8 keyboard
(and a shitload of samples & VSTi's)
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
Kleptomik [be] - 17 years ago
Distreality [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago