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Musselman - Vagabondage parmis les bulles


V.2: Following FUNKY's advices I added a drum pattern in the intro + Made some drums beat with a better presence to make the track a bit more dancy.
I thin I still ned to make the track a bit longer but I want to avoid repetition, that's why i'll take time to get inspiration

V.1: well, It's the first time I make a song like that, I don't really know in which category I have to put it I guess this section is not inapropriate but advices are welcome.

The song in itself isn't finished yet. I think it's too short. I have to mannage a better progression till the end of the song.
Maybe review the last coming beat, etc..

I'd like people to give me advice on how I could make that song better which I enjoy nonetheless.





Funky [be] - 18 years ago

I'd introduce some gentle hats or shakers a bit earlier, that will smootup the buildup...Like that low filtered rythmsection less (afterwards considerat that your drumssection/beats are to silent or not present enought) ..Your buildup is really smooth & I dig the chords/atmosphere... Thumbz up allready...And deephouse suits fine imo...Grtz!

privecomcept1 [be] - 18 years ago

good good deep cool

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

could be a nice intro for a live set...

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

Héééé, come aan mussel... This song cartonne and you can finish it

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Superb! Well done that change in the intro..it's running smoothly now :) If you want to make it longer, perhaps simply another melo on top in some pieces? Like a delayed sax melo with some verb on it? ( I hear a sax in my head on top, ain't the easiest instrument to get right though..) Another thumb up! ( Won't work probably, but wanted to tell you anyway ;) ) Grtz & keep 'm comming!

Musselman [be] - 17 years ago

Cheers guys,

Funk: I'll see what I can do with that sax idea. Only problem I use a shit program whitch has a shit sax sound.
well Who knows...

Pirate [be] - 17 years ago

cool fx's, nice bass-line, like the athmosphere