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Kyran - Taking Over (Dr Rubberfunk in a Kyran Remix)


Edit: this is a new version of the track. I worked on the details: changed some chords, tried to make the vocal fit, tweaked some drums and 'remixed' the entire track

Original Text:
My entry for the akanda008 competition.

This is the version I submitted, but it's not yet final. At some point last month my project got corrupted and I was set back an entire week.
I had to rush the final mix and was not able to add some element I had planned for this track.

All comments are welcome, as always





kornie [be] - 18 years ago

might be me but the vocal and the pads don't realy fit well in my ears...

i mean i like both the backing track and the vocals but somehow they sound a bit off.

nice work on the bass and strings though, overall good track!

good luck in the contest...

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

the whole of the track is real cool, only some small mixing issues maybe, but its good work...

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Nice stringies indeed!! Seems hard to mix... I had the same feeling as Kornie bout the vocal & pad, especially in the beginning of the track..Lateron I have less troubles with it...dunno why... Near the end of the track all elements fall really good in place imho..Nice track indeed! Thumbzupseh!

Kyran [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks for all the nice comments, makes me feel all warm and funny inside :)

As the deadline was wednesday I had to rush a bit, so the mix isn't 100% (though I don't think it's all too bad).

I'll have a look at the pad. I didn't hear any problems, but my ears may have adjusted to it.

Scootchy [be] - 17 years ago

really good. only that the general remark is right, it's a problem of dimension between the voice and the rest, perhaps you should add the same reverb as some other parts (but lighter). it's called "fusion effect".... or by using the doubling that you use at the end... but it's really good ;o)

aphone [be] - 17 years ago

hummmm, really got doubs with the vocal, wich is the contest sample i guess...?? The instru is very nice but the vocal dont fit the track for meh... i would use more reverb on the strings and less attck to give em more distance, more story-telling-attitude ;) when vocalz comes back its better, but in the beginin bwooof... very sweet vibe, should try it without vocalz but more elements cause the vieb is very nice and the vocalz killz this sweetness. thumb goes up

SpazzMano [be] - 17 years ago

for me the vocal is good bit it bit more to upront
wai en fançais moins fort le volume de la voix :)

AMF [be] - 17 years ago

Good song, but why this new version? I like the vocals, but I have to agree with a previous comment that the bassline sound a bit unharmonic.

liquidbass [be] - 17 years ago

Hot stuff!

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

Nice this one :) I like the vocals a litlle less, BUT they are great for this kind of tracks really nicely done!Grtz