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stavros - Heraklion




SamSilva [be] - 17 years ago

Encore un bon beat bien gras... tout bon... Evidement y en a qui vont dire que c'est du linéaire,mais je sais que c'est ce que tu recherches.. breff j'affectionne..

good fat kik, i like it..
I know that many people will say that it's a linear tracks but i know that it' s what you expeted in you composition... i keep like it... :-)

korben [be] - 17 years ago

This is fuckin' insane and I like it! :)
Nice break. Keep up the good work!!
Greetz korben.

Barnum [be] - 17 years ago

Big massive teckkkk.
Maybe needs a litle something more...like a psyko progressive synth line.
Good work, keep on.

stavros [be] - 17 years ago

Txh Guy...

stryder [be] - 17 years ago

fattt grooovvveee!!! :heavy: