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HyeVolture - make my day and kill yourself


My own cynical way of dealing with too many deaths in my wide cicrle of far-known acquaintances: this fourth one this year threw himself before a train, a few hundred meters from my place. DP is without LL, park VTX is safe again, but still: cruel act, nothing to be proud of. In honour to Lampi, dedicated to an immoral person who didn't deserve such an end.





Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

opkomende talent diene titch nondedikke! kgeniet van u muziek! kzou zegge doe zéker verder ! de knol

Falcon030 [be] - 17 years ago

many frustrated soundings on it ! drums could be sounding a bit higher in volumes ! its an straight true youre mind song ! the lead bass sound could be a bit better ? its only my meaning on youre song ! rest = ok to me !

meutn [be] - 17 years ago

Losing friends sucks big time... Lost 2 guys myself a couple of years ago.
ah well..about the song, sounds nice, i can hear improvement, like the distorted synth in the background it's really cool. Also a nice "storytelling" it sounds very full and complete, good work!

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

Dit nummer gekregen via alexis. En kan het hoogst apprecieren. Je hebt zeker de lektroluv stijl echt goed elektro gevoel. Maar je beats laten wat te wensen over. Ik denk dat je daarmee iets teveel naar de commerciele kant opgaat en je ook juist het echte elektro effect mist. Maar echt wel een heel leuk nummer.

OsaModas [be] - 17 years ago

nice synths, nice ambiance, don't get the sneezing sound, but very good track, yes yes yes. in memory of

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 17 years ago

Nice synths, njamnjam

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

Floorfilleeeeeer! Really dig this one pal, excellent groovy rough-sounding dancable electro.

Maybe the main bass is a wee bit too much upfront throughout the track, and I guess a lil' harmonic break without the beats wouldn't harm either.

But the production and sound quality are very good, just with the basses maybe the final mixdown ain't yet balanced enough.

Cool dancable one! Hopsaaaaaaa!

Sorry about the loss of your friends btw...

HyeVolture [be] - 17 years ago

then again: zeggen waarom da ge het ni goed vindt als ge het ni goed vindt: ik leer uit kritiek, dank u!

rf061992 [be] - 15 years ago

I have forgotten to pass through here. but it is never too late to do