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crolerbedo - Empty Slot


Back into music, after a lack of motivation. I just needed to clear my mind, but still ideas are coming through my head so I had to create something...
It's not much; but the whole atmosphere,the minimalist(ic ?) sounds really stand for my current mind's state.
If you leave a comment, i'll blow you a kiss ;)





AMF [be] - 17 years ago

The intro didn't really grab my attention, but after 34 seconds, a melody with a really nice filtersound drops in. From that point, the track just gets better and better. Some really interesting "typical" drum 'n bass sounds in there.

Now where's my kiss? :p

antares [be] - 17 years ago

yeah nice atmosphere you got here, but i would change a couple of things. At first, i think you should change the sounds of youre beats, make them harder, espacialy the kick. then i would ad some (sub)bass and ad more variation, but it's a good start :)
btw: maybe make an idm-ish or downbeat version of this, would be cool i think :p

crolerbedo [be] - 17 years ago

yep, you're right about the beat, strength is what i miss too in the track. But when i produce a track, i'm likely to put too much ideas, which often don't fit together, i won't have a go in downbeat now, 'cause it needs a perfect atmosphere to be efficient imo.
IDM is complicated for my little brain, and i would pspend all my time on it...
But thanks for your ideas guys

dark [be] - 17 years ago

salut crolerbedo,merci pour tes comments, c est vraiment sympa,tu as bien fait de te remettre a la zik,tout bon le track,j adore surtout les sons et les melodies,chouette atmosphere,à plus, peace.