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gozno - smoooz (with melodies)
ok so now i have some melodies with those rhythms...tell me if they really fit or i should try to find something else...i kinda made these melodies with cosmoneusewould find a link for her songs but can't find her profile on ebel anymore...
well enjoy
gozno top 5:
tis not love song (cheeezzzz) -
godzilla vs superman -
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rat [be] - 17 years ago
i really liked the beats and t basske derdoor(die zou k tegen t einde zwaar doen blazen persoonlijk)
like the melodies too but maybe they need some more variaton,they're quite repetitive.
desalnietemin goe nummer :)
Akwalek [be] - 17 years ago
understood gozno? :D
my opinion:
the ritmik is cool, but the first synth is, donno, just not a cool sound, i mean that rapid moving one... the second melo synth is owkay but they need some variation idd...
the whole sounds a little to much the same...variate and rule...or somethin
cosmoneuse... is that the crazy bitch you brought along on amastic? :D
Skip [be] - 17 years ago
actually the whole song has that vibe,and its verry cool!
(I wouldev put a little happy victory-like tune in outro at the end héhé)
LIQUIDD [be] - 17 years ago
SandwichGarnier [be] - 17 years ago