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Krael - National Defense


The samples I used are from former US President Eisenhower. I had heard part of the speech, and wanted to make a track out of it. And this is it. Rabauw classified my music as: Dark Paranoid Electronica, heh, think this definitely fits that category. All comment is appreciated. Grtz





Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

well done ! good sound, good use of vocal sample, nice !

Krael [be] - 17 years ago

Thank you. :-) Grtz K

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

I don't like the clap. Not your fault I just never do ;-). I usually prefer snares over claps, but I really freak out when I hear the standard claps like those you use here. Gotta swap them with some nasty distorted claps or snares.
I like the second part more than the first.