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rule001 - 90's houske


My wife asked me to try this, cause she really misses '90's-supercommercial-housy' tracks to party on.
(must be some sort of midlife-crisis ;) )
so here's a try. Still needs much work.
(mastering, structure,...)
all tips welcome!!





transynth [be] - 17 years ago

oh man i'm really sorry to say it but i don't really like it.i'm just honest because i have heard better things then this from you.for house, the synths are a bit to trancy...I think you should look for a good drumpattern to make it more house..anyway i'm sure you'll make better things in the future, cause you got skills to make better..Keep it up!

rule001 [be] - 17 years ago

thanks for the faith!
once again this genre is all new to me...so i do hope i'll get better at it.
(mmm, maybe i should stick to one genre for a while)

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

hmm I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr Transynth here. This is, um, pardon me, really bad ;-)
Alez, commercial house van de 90s, tis goe voor op een zatte fuif om 4u 's nachts, but seriously, try something else.
Commercial house days (genre 2Unlimited, Twenty4Seven, Capella,...) are over and that's just good! If your wife misses that music, tell her to down some of it from the net, so she doesn't have to bother you anymore asking to produce crap like this :D
Yes, like transynth said, you can do better. Better focus on that.
And please, see the humour in my comment ;)

rule001 [be] - 16 years ago

i know iknow

...but i'll do anything for my wife
(..or she'll cut off my budget for more synths 'n stuff ;) )