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Despoilah - Introduction with the devil
One day masterpiece, I'd like to send this out to different labels xross the globe, and I was wondering if you people find this "proffesional" or "good enough" to send to record labels, please tell me EVERYTHING that could be better or etc.Thanks Despoilah. xxx ^_^
*edit* : Is it better now ?
*added kick
*added more bass and cut the breaks a little
*did a rework on some breax here n there
Despoilah top 5:
Walls around me -
*enter cool name* -
naDIArgh -
InDONGedy -
Death is coming
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aphone [be] - 17 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
MDeMmA [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Skip [be] - 17 years ago
I think its original in the sense of using small details in combination with your pads (or wathever,long notes)
imo the beat at 2;50 till the end shouldnt last that long.but im not a brkcre specialist.
Thats pretty much everything I can think of.
It shure as HELL is good n'uff and/or professional,really.
Its allmost like luxuriously professional.
Eccept for the 2;50 loop that lasts till the end, know,z'my opinion.
succes nog verder
bandarlog [be] - 17 years ago
balance: ok
stereo: ok
clearness: ok (dunno much about breakcore though)
mix: try 2-5db notch cut around 2-2.5khz (high snares and percussion) and try a 1-4 dB boost around 60-80hz (deep basses, maybe use some bass maximiser with much care). mind that you don't touch low mids (200-500hz) cause they're fine as they are.
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
maybe a nasty kick from time to time would spice things up a bit...and a bit more variation in the breaks at the end...
ps you better listen to bandarlog, his tracks are always properly mastered
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
teebo [be] - 17 years ago
ik kan het echt niet vergelijken maar het klinkt allesinds zeer goed
go terrorise the jappen!
DeHomunculus [be] - 17 years ago
crolerbedo [be] - 17 years ago
MWE [be] - 17 years ago
icteder [be] - 17 years ago
icteder [be] - 17 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
HarryPoppins [be] - 17 years ago
i like it! maybe you could punch your sound a bit more by compressing the beats and adding more bass to it
sounds allready fat, but it could sound even fatttttter (like bvb drumcorps' amens, they sound very hellyeah spanky)
real nice track man!! and the darksteppy part is also very great
one more remarc, maybe you could add more ambient soundscapes on top, more layers to make it even darker
prima kerel, blijven aan werken en dan opstuuurn :)
Freakywrath [fr] - 17 years ago
soundscape [be] - 17 years ago
Like the dark part!!!
only comments: sound like two different songs in one.
The second half is a little too long in terms of same break being looped a little to much.And a little more compression and bass would make it even darker and fatter.
hosmOz [be] - 17 years ago
greetz and thumbz up
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
Mister Sickboy told me to use L2 Ultramaximizer to pump up my sound, I've been experimenting alot of variations on this track with only the Darksteppy part but I dont know about it, I find the originel the best.
And Bandarlog thanks for the mix info it helped me alot.
I love all of you guys
HarryPoppins [be] - 17 years ago
and best you compress your seperate fxchannels (especially them breax) and not yer master
voila, now mrharry also gave his gedacht ;)
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
ik reken u echt al mee met DE breakcore artisten van belgie dus wrm zoude u kans nie wagen bij een record label?
ge woon doen!
groeten ,
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
LilDaze [be] - 17 years ago
Archangel [be] - 17 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
teebo [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago
omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago
Despoilah [be] - 16 years ago
Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago
put more variation in u breakz
en maak u kick vuiller (let it rip tha shit) xD
nice vocalz
Khaoz Engine
Aceton [be] - 16 years ago
great breakz ,maybe some more disto kicks