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MadRab - Inside fear (bankizz contest)
I tried to make a dark track with many breaks .I used -a wav bass loop with some modifications(revers,"holes",tune,pan) and 3 deep bass sounds.
- any electronics fx
- 2 drums that I rebuild(cut a kit to make 2 midi drums) with eq.
- a great voice
YEAHA,I came trough a great moment to make this track!
THX to bankizz "crew" for all...
comments are very welcome for this song...
General Peace!
MadRab top 5:
The MadRab\'s hit -
Nanou -
Strange sensation -
Play again -
L'approbation de Cromwell
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Despoilah [be] - 17 years ago
dialekte [be] - 17 years ago
CruizeOfFiction [be] - 17 years ago
phat: logical
superbe: c'est logique
BUT: samples.... :) becouse this whole "bankizz samplepack" thing, its hard to say how big your creative input is.... (off course, I'm just naging in a way)
anyways: realy nice track, you made quite some progress lately
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago
Erophin [be] - 17 years ago
MWE [be] - 17 years ago
kornie [be] - 17 years ago
makes me want to make some dnb ^^
beniot [be] - 17 years ago
LIQUIDD [be] - 17 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago