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cestqui - brazilian breez




ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

not bad, except that trumpet in the 'background' ....

eddie [be] - 21 years ago

sounds pretty ok. But I would change some things. But that ofcourse does not mean anything ofcourse :)

I would lose the trumpet (kinda works on your nerves and i think it gets disonantic)
I would lower the focus from the clap.
And i would try to bring the piano melody more to the foreground.
And last thing that i would do is make the track shorter. 10 minutes is a bit too long imho (and even then it seems to be unfinished at the end :))

But beside these remarks (how i would do it); it sounds nice. Catchy rhodes and bassline. Really nice rythms... You can really make something way cool out of this.


aphone [be] - 18 years ago

this is a forgoten beauty i wont give it a fav now cause i think you gona remix it soon héhéhé