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MnemOnic - 4th Gen of War
We all have entered a new type of war->
War against people who hate freedom.
But this new kind of war seems to need a new kind of response, one that has/will actually reduce freedom
MnemOnic top 5:
electric service interruption -
Shadows - our engine is love -
Xylopelia -
Ypsyd -
Ove U!n sp!r!t
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HarryPoppins [be] - 17 years ago
Skip [be] - 17 years ago
AAAAHHHHH! finally I can download this one WOOEE-HOOW!
Heard it on your space.
Again,those combinations of melz and beats are killer for me.
Nostalgic...I like vyrreh much!
So as you said this is the start of a new project for you(?)
Verry verry much lookin forward to it all.
I shake your hand.
Akwalek [be] - 17 years ago
i follow harry and skip on the bassline thingy
but this is great and enjoyable as it is...
thx mate
dialekte [be] - 17 years ago