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Tyronn - Treasures


Euhm kinda stuck with this one
i dont really know what to do with it but i cant help but having the feeling that it isnt ready yet
bass is again different then before expremeting and so on
on the matering level same old issue compression en eq but im gonna wait with fixin that when i got a decent laptop
On the other hand enjoy
feel free to comment






Kolf [be] - 17 years ago

Nice to see all these different approaches to dubstep. Bass kick sounds well before deep basswobble comes in. Try to filter some very low sub frequencies. There is a little conflict in the bass drum and the bass instrument. No big deal, one day you will get it right..Fine track nice rythmtrack

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

nice strange atmos in the track...
the kick could do with some more impact, for the rest well done...

Skip [be] - 17 years ago

I would variate the wobling tempo.You know? Like using slowed down-parts (like half the tempo)and then faster again.
I would try that.First minute is imo kinda lonely.
But nice piece otherwise!

antares [be] - 17 years ago

Nice atmo! Kick needs more punch though, maybe add some more bass? But nice track :)