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adrenalin - Osmotica Domotica


chill en relaxating

something different

Osmotic rhytmz from mother earth ;p


any comments are welcome





ReftsidelighT [be] - 16 years ago

cool ideas in here! this has a ska- flavour if you ask me :) that high sequence is cool, but waaaaay too loud imo... not so fond of the organsound that starts round 1 min... maybe you can try some distortion on it or sumt'n... just an idea... anyway, one of your better me thinks :) grtz

CharlesPomme [be] - 16 years ago

Very cool track,
I like the organsound a lot, but agree with ReftsidelighT that it could use some effects.
Great atmo in this track, reminds me in a strange kind of way on a late night party with 'de snorkels' (the colourfull cartoon animals with long bubble-popping noses right on top of their heads), youth sentiment I guess...
And why not, let's fav it cause I really enjoyed this one!