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Tomastar - Dream is gone


A song made in a bad mood. Melody sound like gabber sometimes.
Somes chiptune synth and other samples from PPlo and Mr Gweg (thx again).

I dit it without stereo... f***ing hardware...
Coms are welcome





Falcon030 [be] - 16 years ago

nice song but sorry for the end fade out that could be better dunn ! greets

MrGweg [be] - 16 years ago

hI chikenenkje,
Nearly Dancefloor Experience!
Well done but are all samples PPLO's given????mmmmhh....ELEKtr BASSynth?no? little kidder!!
I think you should "condenser un peu tes montées" to reach more efficacity. maybe a bit more bpm, and make more evolutive charley's riff. melodies are greats, winner sensations i like it!!
sii iou sOûNe

MrGweg [be] - 16 years ago

The stereo-synth break at 3:30 is very awfull beacause the sound is completely out of your mix, with 12 db too much...
and mabe you could spatialised a bit your other sounds, your song will breath a bit by this way, and you could reach more precision and deeper mix.
and, for conlusion, spatialisation could help you to integrate easier that kind of sclub FX.

this is the end, my friend.

Tomastar [be] - 16 years ago

Waouw nice franglais mr Gweg :p
Thx for the coms, I will add two or three changes. Could you give me 200 euros plz? I need a better sound ^^

Also thx to you falcon.

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

not bad att all // nice stereo sweeping // the end is really original, why not start with it also? // could benefit from a few voval (samples) i think ...

Tomastar [be] - 16 years ago

Not a bad idea thx anonymous ^^'

PPLo [be] - 16 years ago

Nice ending.

bitrille [be] - 16 years ago

great synth. Club style but swinging too!

maybe a part in the middle without drums gives it lightness...