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Colonial Enterprise - Kill the tsar


This song is a part of the Colonial Enterprise's side project: LeningradDisco.
It's rougher than most CE stuff. We hope that you'll feel like dancing to it ;-)
We welcome your comments!

celestial greetings





antares [be] - 16 years ago

Nice track! Real good to party on!!

mrMute [be] - 16 years ago

maybe you can add a lead melody?

Gerrick [be] - 16 years ago

Jeep jeep this is the shit! ;)
Good rollin' vibe in the track.
Myeah maybe a second melody with some higher synth notes could be appropriate, also to cheer it more up and it would do good for the variation in the track.
For the rest I was very amused by the track, great work m8!

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

yyetzz kerl ken nu les en tis nix beter dan dan een bikke muziek te luisteren eee