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NotAnameYet - no milk for my crusty flakes


this morning i stood up, and the first thing i noticed was that there wasn't any milk 4 my crusty flakes... so i went out full speed and got me some, and then i had the idea 4 this song, getting milk full speed, because ure so hungry...





ZARk [be] - 16 years ago

ah, this one is better.

I'd just watch out for the levels, some arps are too upfront and just removes that punch from your track.

Keep it up

dynamik [be] - 16 years ago

this one i know allready... nice work... alleen die kick en snare moeten precies nog iets geequalized worden...

melodiekes zijn wel nice
thumbs up

Nightshade [be] - 15 years ago

some sounds reminds me the amiga 500 or the commodore games, its not a bad comment cause they used those consoles aswell to create music, but original title :)