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NotAnameYet - sad clowns should\'t play paino(very strange rename)


silly sad clown was walking in the forrest, sad as he was, he sang a sad song.. and in his sad misery, he wished he had something 2 make his life more happy, untill suddely his wish was granted, and a paino appeard, it fell out a tree or something... and a sad smile marked the face of silly sad clown when he started playin... and he feld sadder then ever...

de clou van het verhaal:

if ure a sad clown, u shouldn't play piano, because...

...sad clowns play sad songs...





ZARk [be] - 16 years ago

mmh, interesting

but i've got a problem with the melody being off-tempo to the beat .

NotAnameYet [be] - 16 years ago

maybey because the sad clown can't play... :) wich makes him even more sad!!! :P