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eddie - thirty-six


This track has been in my 'funnel' for some time now. I can't really finish it of due to reasons i don't know... so I made this version as the final version. It turns out to be an amusing track (i think).

plz tell me what you think about it and plz also listen if the guiterloops are not dissonantic (i don't always hear that - so trying to be sure)






Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Ah yeah! This is kinda like my name.....FUNKY!!!! Wouldn't exactly call this deep house, but simply quality House Music!! Like the funk guitar a lot.... They are my favorite kind of sample..... Cool vocals also :-) ( Don't try to suck any dick on your way to the parking lot ;-D )
..they fit really well with the muze.....
I like the ending of the song very much....that shorter loop....
You have enough into your song.... I think that you can finish it by just fine tuning it....That is working more with variations of loops & maybe also a break or two extra....
Pls don't put this one aside... I'd really like to hear futur edits.
Keep up that damn good work!!!

kemi [be] - 20 years ago

Fresh track, pumpin funk house ! where does the vocal come from ?

dynamik [be] - 20 years ago

where the hell do you get that awsome guitar sound from... i'd like 2 know... and if it's a vst plugin, could you please share it... i'm lookin for a good guitar vst.... any suggestions... you rock man

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Fucking Sick (which means good) !!!! This might be your best work. Music and vocals come together very nice. I'm very amuzed.

NightShade [be] - 19 years ago

great track, but try add some sax, trumpet and piano shit, u haven't reached a climax yet here, these are basics for a bomb

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Maybe you should add some strings...