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cestqui - dub-finesse


yesterday,i was at a private party,totaly wasted from a weeks work,building up a apetite for deephouse producin>>once woken up,i took this lost deephousesong of mine and shapend it and mastered it in a 1 st stage(simple)

by the way>>isotope plugin rules,try it





Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Nice! Like them conga's & stuff, but the way they sound is a bit less....You 've created a cool atmosphere....Some sounds aren't wel mastered in my opinion, but the overall composition is great! I hope you'll still gonna work on this one...It sure has potential...
But still needs some work, In my humble opinion that is....
I don't like every sax piece also...but there are some good one's between the one's u 've used....
Looking forward to next versions..;
Keep up the good house vibes!

ps: why don't u try some lowpass filters on the voices which you begin with? & then let it come slowly...& then use it more in breaks & stuff

Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Yo C'estqui!
New edit, new thread :) You've improved it well! It's allready way nicer! And you've been using those filters on the voices.. ;) Nice man, great potential, but still a bit '' raw''.... The sax still doesn't please me...not all of the pieces that is... I do like a saxophone....Maybe you should try to take some shorter loops of those samps....Dunno.... But overall is A-OK!!!!!