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Omyiga - Percodan


It starts a bit sad and ambient-ish but ends ietske happier and more electronica or idm ofzoiets

I am pretty pleased with 2nd part and with the beats but I am insecure about the first part and the completeness (geheel int engels volgens interglot heu ;p)
so ja, if someone could help me with that or has suggestions about the structure and stuff..let yourself go

thanks for listening é





groovke [be] - 16 years ago

i liked it, subs are so nice, i think the lowerest sub is close to the "shit youselfs in the pants" frequency :P i actualy felt it in my stommag :p :D chill song good work

Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

lol, there's an episode of southpark about that frequency :p
& thanks

eckhart [be] - 16 years ago

ouch this is reaaaaally nice! good one! i'd add some freely played piano notes over it, like in Moby's "Porcelain"

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

starts real nice, verry woozy.
Like waking up at night,zigzagging towards the fridge for a fresh drink,knowing you can go back to bed and be shure to fall asleep,cuz its the middle of the night é.
I like those hard wet snare farts hahaha, sorry,dont know how else to describe it : )
between 01:30 and 01:50 you have some saturation on the low padz (gekraak een beetjen)should or lower the volumes of the pads,or lower the low frequencies of it/them.
really like this stuff.Theres indeed a contrast between first and second half,but! en ier kommet; if you would add a 3rd part,and indeed make it somewhat longer,it would lower the insecureness of the first part,because then the listener would have door, that its a storylike track,and so its normal that when you have different parts ;one part would be more appealing to the one or the other (in your case the first would be the lesser part.)
But I really enjoy(ed) it, and seriousely would add a third part, or/and make it longer anyways.
damn nice
(kebbem toch al geseeft,ja....kvrees van wel)

Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

lol da ne comment
but je comprends and I think it would idd be a good idea so I'll try alleszins ne keer
and weird, I don't hear any gekraak..
achja; thanks a lot é

particle [be] - 16 years ago

ja very schoon! especially the second part, good sounds + melo's + beats!
wat wilt een mens meer?

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

nen geluidsloze jetpack

teebo [be] - 16 years ago

i think it's a great song (again) really really like the atmo/ambient sounds, beats and 2nd part's melo are also very jummie.


Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

thank you schuune teebo and others
@skip: ikke mijn laptop hersteld terug (daar staat géén vista op) en een lief mss ook nog

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

gij e
gij zijt goe bezig

Skip [be] - 16 years ago


HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

eerste deel vind ik monotoon, maar niet per se in de slechte zin. contrasteert met tweede deel, dat zeer puik afgewerkt is qua beats (echt heel nice!). het geheel zou nog een beetje extra achtergrondgeluiden kunnen gebruiken in eerste deel mss, mss iets van stemmetjes ofzo, geen idee, iets dat het uitnodigt om nog es te beluisteren (deel 2 heeft dat vooral met het beatwerk). dus, conclusie: deel 1 behouden en opluisteren, deel 2 is alvast heel dik in orde. (en als ge dat allemaal ni gelooft, maak ik u wel iets anders wijs)

bitrille [be] - 16 years ago

velvetness, sweet atmosphere
I maybe waited crescendo of "hi freq"..
