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cestqui - natural waves


bad ass funky house(kojak -trump style)never could create a real funky house vinyl sound(the real stuff)like this production

all chords and notes are writen myself,just 2 samples involved,also all rythm aspects are all done with redrum

just need to refine the whole song and master it in cubaze

enjoy the violin movement and the hardness off the fariss hi hats
(for those who understand me,heheh)

>>>new remix or mastering(call it what ya like)added





Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Ah yeah! :) This kicks ass! This production has indeed something more.... Nice brasses! The loop is great .... I get the idea, but it can still be a bit better...It sounds a bit unclear the whole.... Still needs some mastering indeed..Thanks for the early preview ;)
Work on this man....I think it's gonna be da bomb!!
I'm curious after the next edit....
Keep up them bump'n beatz!



PS: Fariss hi hats? Gene Farris?
Nice violins indeed maestro! :-)

cestqui [be] - 20 years ago

indeed,gene farris

i have changed a lot of the melody and even cut out 1 trump ,and added a rhodes melody,but will upload the cubazemastering after monday,if its ever gets finished,


Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Damn and I can 't recall the previous version so I can't compare...
This certainly has something but I find it many times to busy....Still unclear... But I can imagine it ain't easy.... You've got many hard to handle sounds.... This is a though one... But nevertheless a goodone :)